UCL Open

UCL Open is a new high-quality inter- and multi-disciplinary megajournal publishing model launched by UCL Press, aimed at showcasing radical and critical thinking to real world problems with the aim of benefitting humanity, from across a broad thematic interest, divided into subject strands. UCL Open: Environment is the first strand of UCL Open.

UCL Open Environment has moved!

UCL Press journals including UCL Open Environment have now moved website.

You will now find the journal, all publications, reviews and submission information at https://journals.uclpress.co.uk/ucloe



UCL Open: Environment publications

Click here to read official publications (articles that have been editorially accepted after peer review) in UCL Open: Environment.



Special series on Community Responses to Climate Change

A UCL Open: Environment special series.
Series homepage: https://ucl-about.scienceopen.com/cr2cc

Created on 2021-10-12

Special series on COVID-19 and Mental Health

A UCL Open: Environment special series.
Series homepage: https://ucl-about.scienceopen.com/covid-19-and-mental-health

Created on 2022-08-12

Special series on COVID-19 interactions with our Environment

A UCL Open: Environment special series.
Series homepage: https://ucl-about.scienceopen.com/covid19-specialseries

Created on 2020-05-04

Special series on the First International Conference on Moisture in Buildings (ICMB21)

UCL Open: Environment special series.
Series homepage: https://ucl-about.scienceopen.com/icmb21

Created on 2021-08-05

Special series on the UNFCCC/COP

UCL Open: Environment special series.

Created on 2022-10-21

Special series on Water and the UN Sustainable Development Goals

UCL Open: Environment special series.
Series homepage: https://ucl-about.scienceopen.com/water-sdgs

Created on 2020-10-13

UCL Open: Environment

UCL Open: Environment is the environment subject strand of UCL Open that is accepting high-quality inter- and multi-disciplinary research with an interest in all aspects of environment related research – from life and earth sciences, as well as medical, physical, engineering, and social sciences.

Created on 2018-11-26

UCL Open: Environment Preprint

UCL Open: Environment Preprint is the pre-publication open peer review preprint server of UCL Open: Environment. Submissions to UCL Open: Environment are posted here as open access preprint articles to undergo open peer review prior to official publication.

Created on 2018-11-26

Collection Information

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