Special series on the UNFCCC/COP

UCL Open: Environment special series.

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UCL Open Environment and the UNFCCC/COP

Call for papers and invitation to contribute to this open series.

> Read the articles here.


UCL Open: Environment is opening a call for papers for research and scholarly submissions concerned with the effects of climate change on our environment, in response to UNFCCC/COP (United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change / Conference of the Parties) themes past and present. 

COP27 is held in Sharm el-Sheikh, Egypt from 6 – 18 November 2022 and will revolve around four key issues:  mitigation, adaptation, finance, and collaboration. COP27 seeks renewed solidarity between countries, to deliver on the landmark Paris Agreement, for people and the planet, and its success will be measured on its ability to move from pledges to implementation. This open series provides the opportunity to publish about key topics covered at COP27, whether focused on The Paris Agreement, Glasgow Climate Pact, the UN led Early Warnings for All Initiative, among others, to critique or contribute to current debates and policies. This can be presented as a full empirical research study, a commentary (such as recommendations or guidance), or  a case study. Given the focus of COP27 on Africa, we particularly welcome contributions that focus on this geographical area.

Submission is open to anyone and we encourage contributions from researchers and professionals engaged in producing knowledge about the mitigation, adaptation, finance and collaboration needed, to deploy solutions to deal with the many issues created by a warming planet. We especially welcome submissions from work done in collaboration with or led by non-academics or researchers.

This open series will provide a free to read platform to record and disseminate the insights from many researchers, professionals and hopefully policy makers, engaged in climate change, that are currently poorly visible to researchers and practitioners.


Read the articles

Articles will appear in the article list here as and when they are submitted and subsequently officially published after open peer review.

Articles will firstly appear as preprint articles whilst under open peer review being updated when revised by the authors as requested by the series Editors.

Read more about the series at https://ucl-about.scienceopen.com/cop


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