Special series on the First International Conference on Moisture in Buildings (ICMB21)

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UCL Open: Environment is happy to announce its support for the 1st International Conference on Moisture in Buildings (ICMB21), which was held online on 28-29 June 2021, by publishing the full papers presented at the conference.


Read the articles here

For more information about the series, please visit https://ucl-about.scienceopen.com/icmb21


Moisture in buildings is a field of study with direct, tangible and wide-ranging implications on many areas including climate change mitigation/adaptation, built environment decarbonisation and health&wellbeing. With the aim of bringing together and consolidating the unusually interdisciplinary research community around this topic, the ICMB21 was held on 28-29 June as the very first event of a biannual conference series organised by the UK Centre for Moisture in Buildings (UKCMB).

This special series will collate the highest quality contributions from the ICMB21 in order to act as an archive of this focussed academic gathering around moisture in buildings. The whole conference programme and details of individual presentations can be found here.

Submission is open to anyone who have presented at the ICMB21. If you have not presented at the ICMB but still wish to contribute to the special series, or for more information, please contact Dr Yasemin D Aktas at y.aktas@ucl.ac.uk.

We will accept papers until mid-October 2021 to allow the peer-review process and production by the end of the year.

Authors should read through the journals author guidelines and publishing policies before submitting. Once you are ready to submit, please ensure that you have signed into MyScienceOpen with your ORCID ID.


Series Editor

Dr Yasemin D AktasLecturer, Civil, Environmental and Geomatic Engineering (CEGE), Faculty of Engineering Science, UCL, UK


Guest Editors

Dr Hector AltamiranoAssociate Professor, UCL Institute of Environmental Design and Engineering (IEDE), UCL, UK; Academic Director, UKCMB
Dr Valentina MarincioniLecturer, UCL Institute of Environmental Design and Engineering (IEDE), UCL, UK; Technical Director, UKCMB
Dr Peter RickabyPrincipal Research Associate, UCL Institute of Environmental Design and Engineering (IEDE), UCL, UK; Business Manager, UKCMB
Colin KingCommercial Director, UKCMB

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