Background: Personal care products (PCPs) can contain phthalates, parabens, and other endocrine-disrupting chemicals. However, information on perception of risks from PCP use and how use varies by race and ethnicity is limited.
Objective: We evaluated differences in PCP use and risk perception in a diverse sample of participants recruited from a U.S. college campus and online.
Methods: A self-administered questionnaire captured information on sociodemographic factors, PCP use trends, and perception of risk associated with PCPs. Pearson's Chi-square and Fisher’s exact tests were used to determine differences in PCP use and risk perception by race and ethnicity. Ordered logistic regressions were performed to measure associations between PCP use frequency across racial/ethnic categories.
Results: Participant (n=770) mean age was 22.8 years (SD ± 6.0). Daily use of make-up (eye = 29.3%; other=38.0%; all=33.7%) and skincare products (55%) was most frequently reported among Middle Eastern and North African (MENA) participants. Non-Hispanic Black (NHB) participants reported the highest daily use of hairstyling products (52%) and lotion (78%). Daily make-up use was more frequently reported among females (41%) than males (24.6%). Levels of agreement were similar across racial and ethnic groups, that PCP manufacturers should be required to list all ingredients (≥87%). There were significant associations between the frequency of use of some personal care products and racial/ethnic categories when the use frequencies of participants from other racial/ethnic categories were compared to the use frequency of NHW participants.
Conclusion: There were significant differences in daily use frequency, levels of trust, perception of safety, and health risks associated with PCPs by race and ethnicity, underscoring that there may be different sources of exposure to chemicals in PCPs by race and ethnicity.