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      Nachhaltiges Alter(n) im Kontext des Klimawandels: Stand der Forschung und konzeptioneller Ausblick Translated title: Sustainable age(ing) in the context of climate change: state of research and conceptional considerations


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          Die Alter(n)sforschung nimmt sich zunehmend der Herausforderungen im Zuge des Klimawandels an, behandelt jedoch eher die „Reaktionsbedarfe“ denn „Aktionsmöglichkeiten“ älterer Menschen.

          Material und Methoden

          Auf Basis eines Scoping Review von 39 Fachbeiträgen werden Konstruktionen von Alter(n) im Kontext des Klimawandels und von Nachhaltigkeit analysiert und es wird auf existierende Verengungen hingewiesen. Aus diesen Überlegungen wird ein Modell entworfen, das erfolgreiches, aktives und nachhaltiges Alter(n) in Einklang bringen lässt.


          In der Fachliteratur werden ältere Menschen häufig als homogene, vulnerable Gruppe eingeordnet, die dem Klimawandel ausgeliefert ist. Im Kontext von Nachhaltigkeit kommt ihnen entweder die Rolle als zentrale Verursacher:innen des Klimawandels zu, oder sie werden als Teil der Lösung von Umweltkrisen verhandelt. Solche Verengungen werden in diesem Beitrag aufgelöst und es werden existierende Ambivalenzen in Lebenswelt und Forschung im Modell des „nachhaltigen Alter(n)s im Kontext das Klimawandels“ verbunden.


          Der Klimawandel kann nur gemeinsam bewältigt werden. Die Alter(n)sforschung kann auf Basis des vorgestellten Modells wichtige Beiträge zum Umgang mit Klimaveränderungen und zu (Re‑)Aktionen im Hinblick auf die Umweltkrise leisten.

          Translated abstract


          Research on age and ageing is starting to consider challenges related to climate change; however, most work focuses on reaction needs rather than action possibilities of older people.

          Material and methods

          Based on a scoping review of 39 papers from the scientific literature the construction of age(ing) in the context of climate change and sustainability were analyzed and constrictions were revealed. Following these considerations, a model of “sustainable age(ing) in times of climate change” is proposed, which enables successful, active and sustainable ageing to be reconciled.


          The scoping review shows that older people are often considered as a homogeneous, vulnerable group and more or less helpless in the face of climate change. In the context of sustainability, they are attributed the role of a central cause or as part of the solution for environmental crises. The focus is broadened and contradictions and ambivalences are reconciled in this model of sustainable age(ing).


          Climate change can only be dealt with together. Research on age and ageing can support this on the basis of the model of sustainable age(ing) by providing important contributions to handling climate change and (re)actions regarding environmental crises.

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          Most cited references44

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          PRISMA Extension for Scoping Reviews (PRISMA-ScR): Checklist and Explanation

          Scoping reviews, a type of knowledge synthesis, follow a systematic approach to map evidence on a topic and identify main concepts, theories, sources, and knowledge gaps. Although more scoping reviews are being done, their methodological and reporting quality need improvement. This document presents the PRISMA-ScR (Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic reviews and Meta-Analyses extension for Scoping Reviews) checklist and explanation. The checklist was developed by a 24-member expert panel and 2 research leads following published guidance from the EQUATOR (Enhancing the QUAlity and Transparency Of health Research) Network. The final checklist contains 20 essential reporting items and 2 optional items. The authors provide a rationale and an example of good reporting for each item. The intent of the PRISMA-ScR is to help readers (including researchers, publishers, commissioners, policymakers, health care providers, guideline developers, and patients or consumers) develop a greater understanding of relevant terminology, core concepts, and key items to report for scoping reviews.
            • Record: found
            • Abstract: not found
            • Article: not found

            Successful Aging

              • Record: found
              • Abstract: found
              • Article: not found

              Environmental volunteering and health outcomes over a 20-year period.

              This study tested the hypothesis that volunteering in environmental organizations in midlife is associated with greater physical activity and improved mental and physical health over a 20-year period. The study used data from two waves (1974 and 1994) of the Alameda County Study, a longitudinal study of health and mortality that has followed a cohort of 6,928 adults since 1965. Using logistic and multiple regression models, we examined the prospective association between environmental and other volunteerism and three outcomes (physical activity, self-reported health, and depression), with 1974 volunteerism predicting 1994 outcomes, controlling for a number of relevant covariates. Midlife environmental volunteering was significantly associated with physical activity, self-reported health, and depressive symptoms. This population-based study offers the first epidemiological evidence for a significant positive relationship between environmental volunteering and health and well-being outcomes. Further research, including intervention studies, is needed to confirm and shed additional light on these initial findings.

                Author and article information

                Z Gerontol Geriatr
                Z Gerontol Geriatr
                Zeitschrift Fur Gerontologie Und Geriatrie
                Springer Medizin (Heidelberg )
                25 April 2024
                25 April 2024
                : 57
                : 6
                : 467-474
                [1 ]Sozialstruktur und Soziologie alternder Gesellschaften, Technische Universität Dortmund, ( https://ror.org/01k97gp34) Dortmund, Deutschland
                [2 ]Fachbereich Sozialwesen, Katholische Hochschule Nordrhein-Westfalen, ( https://ror.org/024nr0776) Piusallee 89, 48147 Münster, Deutschland
                © The Author(s) 2024

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                : 14 November 2023
                : 19 March 2024
                Funded by: Katholische Hochschule Nordrhein-Westfalen Katholische Fachhochschule gGmbH (3410)
                Custom metadata
                © Springer Medizin Verlag GmbH, ein Teil von Springer Nature 2024

                ältere menschen,klimakrise,nachhaltigkeit,teilhabe,scoping review,older people,environmental crisis,sustainability,participation


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