Hogrefe: Sustainability & Psychology

Collection about how psychology contributes to the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) adopted by the UN by 2030.


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Collection details

About the collection

Psychology is fundamental to achieving each of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), as it explores how we can change the behavior and expectations of individuals and societies to achieve sustainable development for all. This collection spotlights Hogrefe publications that focus on psychology for achieving the SDGs. 

These are some selected contents of the collection

  • International Perspectives in Psychology: This journal explicitly asks authors of all papers to include “public significance statements” that “identify why the article’s findings are important to helping to meet one or more of the 2016–2030 United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)”. (Stuart C. Carr and Ines Meyer in their Editorial “Seeing Ahead From the Shoulders of Others” International Perspectives in Psychology (2017), 6, pp. 1-4, https://doi.org/10.1037/ipp0000067). It was an initiative taken when the journal was being published by the APA, but it has continued since we took the journal over.
  • Zeitschrift für Psychologie: This journal published a special issue in 2019 on “Sustainable Human Development: Challenges and Solutions for Implementing the United Nations’ Goals” (Zeitschrift für Psychologie: Vol 227, No 2).
  • European Psychologist: This journal published a special issue in 2021 on "Psychology and the Environmental Crisis" (European Psychologist: Vol 26, No 3)
  • Recently published article of the European Journal of Psychological Assessment "Can Psychological Assessment Contribute to a Better World?"

Collection Information