Computational Communication Research

CCR is an online only journal that encourages and facilitates the sharing of 1) developments in computational tools and methods, and 2) the application of computational methods to answer theoretical questions about (human) communication. (CCR is published by Amsterdam University Press (AUP))

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Computational Communication Research


Aims & Scope


CCR is an online only journal that encourages and facilitates the sharing of 1) developments in computational tools and methods, and 2) the application of computational methods to answer theoretical questions about (human) communication. It accepts rigorous, relevant computational work on all topics in communication science. 

There are currently many excellent journals in the field that accept and promote computational communication research.  Most, however, do so because computational methods overlap with a subject area of interest. As a result, computational researchers often must shoehorn their work to fit the topical aims of these journals and current computational work is scattered over the various journals of our respective subfields, even though the methods and challenges can be highly similar. By gathering this work in a single venue, CCR facilitates the timely generation and distribution of computational research outputs among peers with shared interest and enhance the significance and visibility of computational methods in communication research.

CCR will facilitate and generally require tools and data to be shared on accepted platforms and stimulate the publication of tools and data sets as stand-alone contributions. CCR encourages preregistration of studies.



Peer-review process


CCR publishes articles only after a rigorous peer-review process. CCR strives towards quick publication, as the speed of computational developments quickly outpaces current publication cycles. Besides encouraging quick reviews and taking quick decisions, this will be facilitated by a two-phase review process.

In phase one, a traditional double blind ‘adversarial’ review takes place, where the central task for the reviewer and editors is to judge whether a manuscript is (potentially) publishable. The outcome of phase one, which can hopefully be done in a single review round, is a conditional decision (intent) to publish. 

After the conditional decision to publish, the author is encouraged to publish the manuscript on a preprint archive like SSRN or SocArXiv. The journal website will link to this manuscript as a ‘working paper’. Any revisions in this phase are not required to be blinded. The reviewers get the option to be publicly identified on the article if published.



Editorial Board


Editor in chief:

Wouter van Atteveldt (VU Amsterdam)


Associate Editors:
  • Cuihua (Cindy) Shen (UC Davis)
  • Damian Trilling (University of Amsterdam)
  • Drew Margolin (Cornell University)
  • Rene Weber (UC Santa Barbara)


Editorial board:
  • Robert Ackland (Australian National U)
  • Scott Althaus (Cline Center, UIUC)
  • Carlos Edmundo Arcila (University of Salamanca)
  • Christian Baden (Hebrew University , Jerusalem)
  • Ken Benoit (LSE)
  • Robert Bond (Ohio State University)
  • Hajo Boomgaarden (University of Vienna)
  • Joseph Cappella (University Penn)
  • Noshir Contractor (Northwestern University)
  • Jana Diesner (UIUC)
  • Emese Domahidi (Technical University Ilmenau)
  • Elizabeth Dubois (University Ottawa)
  • Heather Ford (University of New South Wales)
  • Deen Freelon (UNC)
  • Sandra González-Bailón (University Penn)
  • Pascal Juergens (University of Mainz)
  • Martin Hilbert (UC Davis)
  • Ágnes Horvát (Northwestern University)
  • Jan Kleinnijenhuis (VU Amsterdam)
  • Olessia Koltsova (National Research University Higher School of Economics )              
  • Hai Liang (Chinese University, Hong Kong)
  • Benjamin Mako Hill (University of Washington)
  • Ericka Menchen-Trevino (American University)
  • Katherine Ognyanova
  • Jennifer Pan (Stanford University)
  • Winson Peng (Michigan State University)
  • Marshall Scott Poole (UIUC)
  • Michael Scharkow (Zeppelin University)
  • Gerold Schneider (University Zurich)
  • Aaron Shaw (Nortwestern University)
  • Tamir Sheafer (Hebrew University of Jerusalem)
  • Helle Sjovaag (University of Stavanger)
  • Hyunjin Song (University of Vienna)
  • Mariken van der Velden (VU Amsterdam)
  • Ivar Vermeulen (VU Amsterdam)
  • Rens Vliegenthart (University Amsterdam)
  • Annie Waldherr (University of Muenster)
  • Brooke Welles (Northeastern University)
  • Martin Wettstein (University of Zurich)
  • Jonathan Zhu (City University of Hong Kong)
  • Felicia Loecherbach (VU Amsterdam)



Assistant editor:

Mónika Simon (University  of Amsterdam)

Computational Communication Research



Submission Guidelines


CCR is an open access, online only journal that encourages and facilitates the sharing of 1) developments in computational tools and methods, and 2) the application of computational methods to answer theoretical questions about (human) communication.


CCR welcomes the publication of:

  • Traditional full-length articles (max 9,000 words) as well as short communications (3,000 – 4,000 words). Computer science and some social science outlets (e.g. Political Analysis or APSR)
  • commonly publish articles in the 3000-4000 word range. Results can often be interesting without lengthy theoretical reflections.
  • Descriptions of novel tools, methods, and data sets, provided they are valid, well documented, and relevant to communication research.
  • Explorative and null findings, provided they are theoretically relevant and methodologically rigorous.
  • Tutorials (including code examples) that explain the usage and best practices of a particular tool or method in communication research.
  • Software or tool announcements. This is a very short (2-3 page) paper that essentially describes the overall goal of the software and gives a short explanation of how it can be used. These announcements go through editorial review only so they can be published very quickly. The publication will make it clear that it has not been peer reviewed and that no full code review or audit has been performed.

CCR is funded primarily through sponsorships and donations. CCR does not charge a subscription fee and does not currently charge a mandatory article processing fee.

See the following link for more information on the Submission and Author Guidelines.



Submission Preparation Checklist


Please follow this link to the Submission Preparation Checklist

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