Annual Reviews Autism

Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) can be attributed to a number of factors including genetics and environment. The diverse nature of its impact requires an individual approach to dianosis and assistive therapies, creating challenges for the individuals, their families, and health care professionals. 

The articles in this Collection were freely available for a limited time but are now only available to subscribers. You can secure Free Access to future Collections by signing up in our Email Preference Center.

Note: The Annual Review of Public Health is open access, thanks to support provided by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation.

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Annual Reviews Autism


Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) can be attributed to a number of factors including genetics and environment. The diverse nature of its impact requires an individual approach to dianosis and assistive therapies, creating challenges for the individuals, their families, and health care professionals. 

The articles in this Collection were freely available for a limited time but are now only available to subscribers. You can secure Free Access to future Collections by signing up in our Email Preference Center.

Note: The Annual Review of Public Health is open access, thanks to support provided by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation.



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Elisabeth Allen

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  • Profile: found

Anne Stone

Collection Information