Journal of the Netherlands Society of Toxicology

The Journal of the Netherlands Society of Toxicology is the official journal of the Nederlandse Vereniging voor Toxicologie (NVT). 

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Journal of the Netherlands Society of Toxicology




The Journal of the Netherlands Society of Toxicology is the official journal of the Nederlandse Vereniging voor Toxicologie (NVT). This society was founded on January 18, 1979. The NVT now has more than 600 members, making it one of the largest toxicological associations in Europe. The NVT is an open association: anyone who works in a field related to toxicology, or is following a study that trains for a position in the field of toxicology, can become a member. The members of the association therefore have very different backgrounds, such as biology, biochemistry, agronomy, chemistry, (veterinary) medicine, biomedical sciences, pharmacy or environmental science. The Journal of the Netherlands Society of Toxicology is dedicated to short manuscripts, mini-reviews and case studies. The peer reviewed articles that are published in the journal are available through ScienceOpen and distributed to members in the TCDD, the newsletter of the Netherlands Society of Toxicology.



Editorial Board


  • Héloïse Proquin, National Institute for Public Health and the Environment (RIVM)
  • Damiën van Berlo, National Institute for Public Health and the Environment (RIVM)
  • Carolien Schophuizen, Synthon BV
  • Marcha Verheijen, Maastricht University
  • Barae Jomaa, Colonial Chemical EU B.V. (Editor in Chief)
  • Jelmer Faber, University of Maastricht 



Editorial Guidelines


Authors, reviewers, and editors must comply with the below guidelines in order for us to ensure that the Journal of the Netherlands Society of Toxicology maintains a high standard of scientific integrity and clarity. 

Authors must be members of the NVT or have received an invitation from two members of the society.


  • Manuscripts must be 500 to 2,500 words and can be of the following type:
    • Short articles
    • Mini-reviews
    • Opinion piece
    • Case study in applied toxicology
    • Workshop and conference papers
  • At the moment we are not accepting original research studies or abstracts.
  • Manuscripts should be written in UK English and submitted through ScienceOpen.
  • Manuscripts must not have been previously published, in whole or in part, nor should they be under consideration by another publication.
  • Authors must acknowledge all sources of funding and disclose any potential conflicts of interest.
  • Authors must agree to have their work published under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC-BY-4.0) licence.

Peer Review:

  • All submissions are peer-reviewed and we request authors to suggest at least 5 reviewers.
  • The journal follows a single-blinded peer-review process. The identities of the reviewers are therefore kept confidential.
  • A manuscript may be rejected if it is outside the scope of the journal or is not written to the journal's standards.

Manuscript Preparation:

  • A title page should include the title, the names and affiliations of all authors, and their contact information.
  • A title with at most 50 characters should be included.
  • An abstract of approximately 50-300 words, depending on the length of the article.
  • A list of up to 6 keywords should be included.
  • References should be added using the Vancouver citation style, which consists of a numerical in-text citation and reference list.


  • Manuscripts should have double line spacing, with 2.5 cm margins.
  • Pages and lines must be numbered.
  • The font should be sans-serif, preferably Arial or Helvetica, with a font size of 12 points.
  • Figures and tables should be numbered and provided as a separate file in editable format, as a vector graphic or minimum 300dpi high resolution image, with clear captions and labels.


  • Research conducted with animal or human subjects must follow clearly-defined ethical guidelines. Manuscripts detailing animal studies must justify the necessity of the animal testing and highlight, to the extent possible, the steps taken towards reducing, refining and ultimately replacing animal testing (3Rs).
  • Plagiarism, data fabrication, and falsification are strictly prohibited.
  • Artificial intelligence may be used to gather and/or interpret data. The data gathered through artificial intelligence must be thoroughly reviewed for accuracy. When data is interpreted using an artificial intelligence model, the method must be described to the extent possible.
  • Artificial intelligence may be used as an aid to improve the readability of a manuscript only if thoroughly reviewed and further edited by the author. Artificial intelligence tools may not replace the author in the writing process as that would not be considered an original submission. As such, the editors reserve the right to reject such submissions.
  • Authors should obtain necessary permissions and consent for any copyrighted material used in the manuscript.


  • Tables should be black and white/greyscale only and formatted as simply as possible for best accessibility. See some guidelines here:
  • Tables should be self-explanatory and should not duplicate textual material.
  • Number tables consecutively in the order of their first citation in the text and supply a brief title for each.
  • Place explanatory matter in footnotes, not in the heading.
  • Explain in footnotes all non-standard abbreviations that are used in each table.


  • Figures should be numbered consecutively according to the order in which they have been first cited in the text.
  • To support the visually impaired, this journal includes Alt Text (alternative text), a short piece of text tagged to your figure to describe for readers contents of the image. This text can be used by screen readers to make the object accessible to people that cannot read or see the object.  Add Alt Text using Microsoft Word tools or as a separate figure caption. Further information on Alt Text for images can be found here:
  • It is the responsibility of authors/ contributors to obtain permissions for reproducing any copyrighted material. A copy of the permission obtained must accompany the manuscript.
  • High resolution images may be requested upon acceptance of the manuscript.


References should be complete with DOI numbers if possible. The Journal uses the “Vancouver” numbering style and same reference style as PLOS (for those working with PaperpileEndnote or other reference management systems). Journal name abbreviations should be those found in the National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) databases. Examples of the format are listed below.



Published articles

Aubé J. Drug repurposing and the medicinal chemist. ACS Med Chem Lett. 2012;3: 442–444. doi:10.1021/ml300114c  


Stalidzans E, Zanin M, Tieri P, et al. Mechanistic modeling and multiscale applications for precision medicine: Theory and practice. Network and Systems Medicine. 2020;3: 36–56. doi:10.1089/nsm.2020.0002  



Cavalla D. Drug repurposing. London: Royal Society of Chemistry; 2022. doi:10.1039/9781839163401


Book chapters

Avram S, Curpan R, Oprea TI. Cheminformatics data mining and modeling for drug repurposing. In: Cavalla D, editor. Drug repurposing. London: Royal Society of Chemistry; 2022. pp. 129-146. doi:10.1039/9781839163401-00129


Deposited articles (preprints, e-prints, or arXiv)

Pouromran F, Lin Y, Kamarthi S. Automatic pain recognition from Blood Volume Pulse (BVP) signal using machine learning techniques. arXiv:2303.10607 [Preprint]. 2023 [cited 2023 Feb 3]. doi:10.48550/arXiv.2303.10607  

New media (blogs, web sites, or other written works)

Jasini K. Introducing the Drug Repurposing Research Collection by REPO4EU. 2023 Jan 24 [cited 24 March 2023]. In: ScienceOpen Blogs [Internet]. Berlin: ScienceOpen 2013. Available from:

Masters' theses or doctoral dissertations

Sharma J. Drug repurposing & adverse event prediction through EHR knowledge graph completion. Master Thesis, Universität Freiburg. 2022. Available from:


Croset S. Drug repositioning and indication discovery using description logics. PhD Thesis, University of Cambridge. 2014. doi:10.17863/CAM.15985


Databases and repositories (Figshare, arXiv)

Melamed R. Drug Indication Predictions; 2023 [cited 2023 Feb 3]. Database: figshare [Internet]. doi:10.6084/m9.figshare.21926400.v1




Call for submissions


Journal of the Netherlands Society of Toxicology calls for submissions: 

  • Submissions can be made through ScienceOpen starting the 15th of June 2023. A "submit a manuscript" button will be available at that point in time.

  • A free account must be made with ScienceOpen prior to submission.

  • Author guidelines can be found by following this link: Journal of the Netherlands Society of Toxicology – ScienceOpen.

  • There is no deadline for submission.

  • Once the submitted papers are accepted and have completed the peer review process, they will be available online and the journal entries will be appended to the TCDD.



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