Radical Americas

Volume 6, Issue 1
20 January 2021
Radical Americas
UCL Press

Table of contents

Protest and the persistence of the past
Collective trauma, feminism and the threads of popular power: A personal and political account of Chile’s 2019 social awakening
The politics of the street: Street art, public writing and the history of political contest in Chile
‘To work more, produce more and defend the revolution’: Copper workers from socialism to neoliberalism
On racial capitalism, structural change and the liquidation of Whiteness
Movements in dialogue
Movimientos en diálogo
Scholarship on the Popular Unity in Chile since 2000. Are historians lagging behind?
Los estudios sobre la Unidad Popular en Chile en el nuevo milenio. ¿Están en deuda los historiadores?
A ‘popular option’ for development? Reconsidering the rise and fall of Chile’s political economy of socialism
Concluding reflections
Mujeres en Chile a 50 años de la UP: “La revolución será feminista o no será…”
The permanent rebellion: An interpretation of Mapuche uprisings under Chilean colonialism
La rebelión permanente: una interpretación de levantamientos mapuche bajo el colonialismo chileno
The Chilean counter-revolution: Roots, dynamics and legacies of mass mobilisation against the Unidad Popular
La contrarrevolución chilena. Raíces, dinámicas y legados de la movilización de masas contra la Unidad Popular
Fifty years after Popular Unity: Chile’s estallido social in historical context
The presence of left-wing militant women within projects of poder popular during the Popular Unity years in Concepción and Santiago de Chile, 1970–3
“Presencia de mujeres militantes de izquierda en los proyectos y experiencias de poder popular durante la Unidad Popular: Estudio de casos Concepción y Santiago de Chile (1970-1973)”
Subject/ive bodies: the resistance poetics of Chrystos and Mahadai Das
Chicanx histories of the present: a praxis against gang injunctions in Orange County, California, 2008–2016
From Marx to Heidegger: Oscar del Barco and the crisis of Marxism
‘A new power structure will be built from the grassroots’: The challenge of radical democracy in Allende’s Chile
Towards a global history of the Unidad Popular
Women in Chile 50 years after the UP: ‘The revolution will be feminist or nothing at all …’
Is Oscar Del Barco a perverse man?