Dear Editor,
Although humans have made significant progress in understanding reproductive events,
nature still has more information to reveal. Towards the end of the 19
century, humans started studying reproductive processes such as gametogenesis, fertilization,
and embryo development.
Since sperm and egg roles in fertilization were introduced in 1870 for the first time,
reproductive biologists tried to emulate the natural reproductive processes despite
the significant lack of knowledge regarding
in vivo
reproductive mechanisms. In the quest to mimic or overcome natural reproduction processes,
numerous attempts have been made to produce embryos from non-germ cells.
These trials ultimately culminated in the birth of Dolly the sheep
as a result of somatic cell nuclear transfer, starting a new era of cloning or asexual
reproduction. Though not fully understood at the time (1959), the work of Chang
regarding the fertilization of rabbit ova
in vitro
, paved the way for the application of artificial reproductive techniques (ART) in
humans. Ever since then, it has always been considered that the best evidence for
these technologies to be accepted is that the progeny derived from ART are capable
of reproducing naturally, especially those conceived by
in vitro
fertilization (IVF). Researchers have tried to ensure
in vitro
maturation of the spermatogonial stem cells transplanted in testes, separated into
small pieces, and cultured on agarose, which migrated towards the basal membrane and
settled on it, as in the
in vivo
On the other hand, have reported that after ovary tissue cryopreservation and orthotopic
transplantation result in a 76% spontaneous pregnancy live baby rate in 119 human
females 13 out 119 of these patients need also
in vitro
maturation of the oocytes,
which allows to postulate that the cryopreservation of ovarian tissue could be a promising
method to preserve fertility in humans. However, transformation of the experience
and data obtained from animals to humans has been failing.
Researchers hope that during these
in vitro
processes, all the cellular events occur in exactly the same fashion as to mimic the
in vivo
scenario, ultimately resulting in new births. Hence, the importance of demonstrating
that Dolly could produce offspring through natural mating. Consequently, the potential
for humans to produce offspring from gametes generated
in vitro
is exciting, but in some way rather pretentious as it assumes that the events that
in vitro
are the same as those that occur
in vivo
. It is undeniable that all these reproductive developments have amazed society. Although
there is plenty of literature supporting the possibility, there are still many key
questions to be resolved, such as “What minimum number of cells to obtain a blastocyst
to obtain a pregnancy, what is the relationship between the number of cells required
to obtain a favorable result?”, “In case of cloning how many nuclei are needed to
be injected to produce an embryo?” or the efficiency and scalability of such methods
to produce enough gametes for assisted conception treatments and will they be safe
to use? Undeniably it appears as if Mother Nature is reminding humans that we are
still far from replicating the efficiency of natural reproduction. Louise Brown, the
first human born through IVF (test-tube baby), is currently 43 years old and has two
living children of her own from natural birth. However, more research is required
to obtain better success rates and ensure these
in vitro
processes are safe in all aspects.
In cattle, procedures involving
in vitro
oocyte maturation and embryo production find it difficult to achieve 40 births from
100 embryos. Furthermore, to create 100 embryos, it is necessary to start with about
400 oocytes
; thus, a 10-fold reduction is experienced: 400 oocytes leading to 40 births. Considering
the inefficiency of
in vitro
produced embryos and the response of gametes it is about one-hundredth of that obtained
by naturally produced gametes and conditions.
An explanation could be associated with the fact that bovine blastocysts obtained
in vitro
have fewer cells than their
in vivo
On the other hand, another example, is the need to use thousands of parental cells
to obtain few colonies with spermatogenesis inside the testis, although systems should
allow the generation of a larger number every day.
It would seem very obvious to believe that researchers have been appropriating step
by step every event that nature allows them to know. Two works were recently published
on the generation of embryo-like structures “the first synthetic embryo" going over
the interaction between intergametes: spermatozoa and oocytes.
The living structures are expected to further a deep understanding of embryogenesis.
Finally, once the problem is fully understood, as described earlier (i.e. all events
contributing as a unit in its entirety), it can be concluded that nature shows plasticity
on a daily basis. In the end, nature will reveal its answers progressively as knowledge
translates into understanding. Ultimately it is almost as if we were to engage in
dialogue with Mother Nature and asked her to reveal her secrets based on our knowledge
and understanding of live births, matured eggs, spermatozoa, and oocytes potentially
derived from different cell types. However, nature always has the upper hand and it
is as if she would respond with: "Only when you are capable of matching some of my
processes, I will let you in on the next secret step. However, it is clear that there
is still a long way to go because your way of thinking possibly is not correct. Once
you understand all the possibilities, you will increase the efficiency of each process
you are interested in”. The advances in knowledge and control of reproductive events
during the preceding 100 years are undeniable, but to try and mimic nature and expect
similar results and outcomes we have to make a fundamental paradigm shift in how we
approach the problem at hand. When it comes to interventions and reproduction processes
in humans and other species, acceptable milestones have been achieved but that does
not imply that all are acceptable and good.