]ISNI 0000 0004 1936 7304, GRID grid.1010.0, Department of Physics, , University of Adelaide, ; Adelaide, SA Australia
]ISNI 0000 0001 2151 7947, GRID grid.265850.c, Physics Department, , SUNY Albany, ; Albany, NY USA
]GRID grid.17089.37, Department of Physics, , University of Alberta, ; Edmonton, AB Canada
]ISNI 0000000109409118, GRID grid.7256.6, Department of Physics, , Ankara University, ; Ankara, Turkey
]GRID grid.449300.a, , Istanbul Aydin University, ; Istanbul, Turkey
]ISNI 0000 0000 9058 8063, GRID grid.412749.d, Division of Physics, , TOBB University of Economics and Technology, ; Ankara, Turkey
]LAPP, CNRS/IN2P3 and Université Savoie Mont Blanc, Annecy-le-Vieux, France
]ISNI 0000 0001 1939 4845, GRID grid.187073.a, High Energy Physics Division, , Argonne National Laboratory, ; Argonne, IL USA
]ISNI 0000 0001 2168 186X, GRID grid.134563.6, Department of Physics, , University of Arizona, ; Tucson, AZ USA
]ISNI 0000 0001 2181 9515, GRID grid.267315.4, Department of Physics, , The University of Texas at Arlington, ; Arlington, TX USA
]ISNI 0000 0001 2155 0800, GRID grid.5216.0, Physics Department, , University of Athens, ; Athens, Greece
]ISNI 0000 0001 2185 9808, GRID grid.4241.3, Physics Department, , National Technical University of Athens, ; Zografou, Greece
]ISNI 0000 0004 1936 9924, GRID grid.89336.37, Department of Physics, , The University of Texas at Austin, ; Austin, TX United States of America
]Institute of Physics, Azerbaijan Academy of Sciences, Baku, Azerbaijan
]GRID grid.473715.3, Institut de Física d’Altes Energies (IFAE), , The Barcelona Institute of Science and Technology, ; Barcelona, Spain
]ISNI 0000 0001 2166 9385, GRID grid.7149.b, Institute of Physics, , University of Belgrade, ; Belgrade, Serbia
]ISNI 0000 0001 2166 9385, GRID grid.7149.b, Vinca Institute of Nuclear Sciences, , University of Belgrade, ; Belgrade, Serbia
]ISNI 0000 0004 1936 7443, GRID grid.7914.b, Department for Physics and Technology, , University of Bergen, ; Bergen, Norway
]ISNI 0000 0001 2231 4551, GRID grid.184769.5, Physics Division, , Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory and University of California, ; Berkeley, CA USA
]ISNI 0000 0001 2248 7639, GRID grid.7468.d, Department of Physics, , Humboldt University, ; Berlin, Germany
]ISNI 0000 0001 0726 5157, GRID grid.5734.5, Albert Einstein Center for Fundamental Physics and Laboratory for High Energy Physics,
, University of Bern, ; Bern, Switzerland
]ISNI 0000 0004 1936 7486, GRID grid.6572.6, School of Physics and Astronomy, , University of Birmingham, ; Birmingham, UK
]ISNI 0000 0001 2253 9056, GRID grid.11220.30, Department of Physics, , Bogazici University, ; Istanbul, Turkey
]ISNI 0000 0001 0704 9315, GRID grid.411549.c, Department of Physics Engineering, , Gaziantep University, ; Gaziantep, Turkey
]Istanbul Bilgi University, Faculty of Engineering and Natural Sciences, Istanbul,
]Bahcesehir University, Faculty of Engineering and Natural Sciences, Istanbul, Turkey
]GRID grid.440783.c, Centro de Investigaciones, , Universidad Antonio Narino, ; Bogota, Colombia
]GRID grid.470193.8, , INFN Sezione di Bologna, ; Bologna, Italy
]ISNI 0000 0004 1757 1758, GRID grid.6292.f, Dipartimento di Fisica e Astronomia, , Università di Bologna, ; Bologna, Italy
]ISNI 0000 0001 2240 3300, GRID grid.10388.32, Physikalisches Institut, , University of Bonn, ; Bonn, Germany
]ISNI 0000 0004 1936 7558, GRID grid.189504.1, Department of Physics, , Boston University, ; Boston, MA USA
]ISNI 0000 0004 1936 9473, GRID grid.253264.4, Department of Physics, , Brandeis University, ; Waltham, MA USA
]ISNI 0000 0001 2294 473X, GRID grid.8536.8, , Universidade Federal do Rio De Janeiro COPPE/EE/IF, ; Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
]ISNI 0000 0001 2170 9332, GRID grid.411198.4, Electrical Circuits Department, , Federal University of Juiz de Fora (UFJF), ; Juiz de Fora, Brazil
]Federal University of Sao Joao del Rei (UFSJ), São João del Rei, Brazil
]ISNI 0000 0004 1937 0722, GRID grid.11899.38, Instituto de Fisica, , Universidade de Sao Paulo, ; São Paulo, Brazil
]ISNI 0000 0001 2188 4229, GRID grid.202665.5, Physics Department, , Brookhaven National Laboratory, ; Upton, NY USA
]ISNI 0000 0001 2159 8361, GRID grid.5120.6, , Transilvania University of Brasov, ; Brasov, Romania
]ISNI 0000 0000 9463 5349, GRID grid.443874.8, , National Institute of Physics and Nuclear Engineering, ; Bucharest, Romania
]ISNI 0000 0004 0634 1551, GRID grid.435410.7, Physics Department, , National Institute for Research and Development of Isotopic and Molecular Technologies,
; Cluj Napoca, Romania
]ISNI 0000 0001 2109 901X, GRID grid.4551.5, , University Politehnica Bucharest, ; Bucharest, Romania
]ISNI 0000 0001 2182 0073, GRID grid.14004.31, , West University in Timisoara, ; Timisoara, Romania
]ISNI 0000 0001 0056 1981, GRID grid.7345.5, Departamento de Física, , Universidad de Buenos Aires, ; Buenos Aires, Argentina
]ISNI 0000000121885934, GRID grid.5335.0, Cavendish Laboratory, , University of Cambridge, ; Cambridge, UK
]ISNI 0000 0004 1936 893X, GRID grid.34428.39, Department of Physics, , Carleton University, ; Ottawa, ON Canada
]ISNI 0000000095478293, GRID grid.9132.9, , CERN, ; Geneva, Switzerland
]ISNI 0000 0004 1936 7822, GRID grid.170205.1, Enrico Fermi Institute, , University of Chicago, ; Chicago, IL USA
]ISNI 0000 0001 2157 0406, GRID grid.7870.8, Departamento de Física, , Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, ; Santiago, Chile
]ISNI 0000 0001 1958 645X, GRID grid.12148.3e, Departamento de Física, , Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María, ; Valparaiso, Chile
]ISNI 0000000119573309, GRID grid.9227.e, Institute of High Energy Physics, , Chinese Academy of Sciences, ; Beijing, China
]ISNI 0000000121679639, GRID grid.59053.3a, Department of Modern Physics, , University of Science and Technology of China, ; Hefei, Anhui China
]ISNI 0000 0001 2314 964X, GRID grid.41156.37, Department of Physics, , Nanjing University, ; Nanjing, Jiangsu China
]ISNI 0000 0004 1761 1174, GRID grid.27255.37, School of Physics, , Shandong University, ; Jinan, Shandong China
]ISNI 0000 0004 0368 8293, GRID grid.16821.3c, Department of Physics and Astronomy, Shanghai Key Laboratory for Particle Physics
and Cosmology, , Shanghai Jiao Tong University, also affiliated with PKU-CHEP, ; Shanghai, China
]ISNI 0000 0001 0662 3178, GRID grid.12527.33, Physics Department, , Tsinghua University, ; Beijing, 100084 China
]Laboratoire de Physique Corpusculaire, Clermont Université and Université Blaise Pascal
and CNRS/IN2P3, Clermont-Ferrand, France
]ISNI 0000000419368729, GRID grid.21729.3f, Nevis Laboratory, , Columbia University, ; Irvington, NY USA
]ISNI 0000 0001 0674 042X, GRID grid.5254.6, Niels Bohr Institute, , University of Copenhagen, ; Copenhagen, Denmark
]ISNI 0000 0004 0648 0236, GRID grid.463190.9, , INFN Gruppo Collegato di Cosenza, Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati, ; Frascati, Italy
]ISNI 0000 0004 1937 0319, GRID grid.7778.f, Dipartimento di Fisica, , Università della Calabria, ; Rende, Italy
]ISNI 0000 0000 9174 1488, GRID grid.9922.0, Faculty of Physics and Applied Computer Science, , AGH University of Science and Technology, ; Kraków, Poland
]ISNI 0000 0001 2162 9631, GRID grid.5522.0, Marian Smoluchowski Institute of Physics, , Jagiellonian University, ; Kraków, Poland
]ISNI 0000 0001 1958 0162, GRID grid.413454.3, Institute of Nuclear Physics, , Polish Academy of Sciences, ; Kraków, Poland
]ISNI 0000 0004 1936 7929, GRID grid.263864.d, Physics Department, , Southern Methodist University, ; Dallas, TX USA
]ISNI 0000 0001 2151 7939, GRID grid.267323.1, Physics Department, , University of Texas at Dallas, ; Richardson, TX USA
]ISNI 0000 0004 0492 0453, GRID grid.7683.a, , DESY, ; Hamburg, Zeuthen, Germany
]ISNI 0000 0001 0416 9637, GRID grid.5675.1, Institut für Experimentelle Physik IV, , Technische Universität Dortmund, ; Dortmund, Germany
]ISNI 0000 0001 2111 7257, GRID grid.4488.0, Institut für Kern-und Teilchenphysik, , Technische Universität Dresden, ; Dresden, Germany
]ISNI 0000 0004 1936 7961, GRID grid.26009.3d, Department of Physics, , Duke University, ; Durham, NC USA
]ISNI 0000 0004 1936 7988, GRID grid.4305.2, SUPA-School of Physics and Astronomy, , University of Edinburgh, ; Edinburgh, UK
]ISNI 0000 0004 0648 0236, GRID grid.463190.9, , INFN Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati, ; Frascati, Italy
]GRID grid.5963.9, Fakultät für Mathematik und Physik, , Albert-Ludwigs-Universität, ; Freiburg, Germany
]ISNI 0000 0001 2322 4988, GRID grid.8591.5, Section de Physique, , Université de Genève, ; Geneva, Switzerland
]GRID grid.470205.4, , INFN Sezione di Genova, ; Genoa, Italy
]ISNI 0000 0001 2151 3065, GRID grid.5606.5, Dipartimento di Fisica, , Università di Genova, ; Genoa, Italy
]ISNI 0000 0001 2034 6082, GRID grid.26193.3f, E. Andronikashvili Institute of Physics, , Iv. Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University, ; Tbilisi, Georgia
]ISNI 0000 0001 2034 6082, GRID grid.26193.3f, High Energy Physics Institute, , Tbilisi State University, ; Tbilisi, Georgia
]ISNI 0000 0001 2165 8627, GRID grid.8664.c, II Physikalisches Institut, , Justus-Liebig-Universität Giessen, ; Giessen, Germany
]ISNI 0000 0001 2193 314X, GRID grid.8756.c, SUPA-School of Physics and Astronomy, , University of Glasgow, ; Glasgow, UK
]ISNI 0000 0001 2364 4210, GRID grid.7450.6, II Physikalisches Institut, , Georg-August-Universität, ; Göttingen, Germany
]Laboratoire de Physique Subatomique et de Cosmologie, Université Grenoble-Alpes, CNRS/IN2P3,
Grenoble, France
]ISNI 0000 0001 2322 3563, GRID grid.256774.5, Department of Physics, , Hampton University, ; Hampton, VA USA
]ISNI 000000041936754X, GRID grid.38142.3c, Laboratory for Particle Physics and Cosmology, , Harvard University, ; Cambridge, MA USA
]ISNI 0000 0001 2190 4373, GRID grid.7700.0, Kirchhoff-Institut für Physik, , Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg, ; Heidelberg, Germany
]ISNI 0000 0001 2190 4373, GRID grid.7700.0, Physikalisches Institut, , Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg, ; Heidelberg, Germany
]ISNI 0000 0001 2190 4373, GRID grid.7700.0, ZITI Institut für technische Informatik, , Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg, ; Mannheim, Germany
]ISNI 0000 0001 0665 883X, GRID grid.417545.6, Faculty of Applied Information Science, , Hiroshima Institute of Technology, ; Hiroshima, Japan
]ISNI 0000 0004 1937 0482, GRID grid.10784.3a, Department of Physics, , The Chinese University of Hong Kong, ; Shatin, N.T. Hong Kong
]ISNI 0000000121742757, GRID grid.194645.b, Department of Physics, , The University of Hong Kong, ; Hong Kong, China
]ISNI 0000 0004 1937 1450, GRID grid.24515.37, Department of Physics, , The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, ; Clear Water Bay, Kowloon, Hong Kong, China
]ISNI 0000 0001 0790 959X, GRID grid.411377.7, Department of Physics, , Indiana University, ; Bloomington, IN USA
]ISNI 0000 0001 2151 8122, GRID grid.5771.4, Institut für Astro- und Teilchenphysik, , Leopold-Franzens-Universität, ; Innsbruck, Austria
]ISNI 0000 0004 1936 8294, GRID grid.214572.7, , University of Iowa, ; Iowa City, IA USA
]ISNI 0000 0004 1936 7312, GRID grid.34421.30, Department of Physics and Astronomy, , Iowa State University, ; Ames, IA USA
]ISNI 0000000406204119, GRID grid.33762.33, , Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, JINR Dubna, ; Dubna, Russia
]ISNI 0000 0001 2155 959X, GRID grid.410794.f, , KEK, High Energy Accelerator Research Organization, ; Tsukuba, Japan
]ISNI 0000 0001 1092 3077, GRID grid.31432.37, Graduate School of Science, , Kobe University, ; Kobe, Japan
]ISNI 0000 0004 0372 2033, GRID grid.258799.8, Faculty of Science, , Kyoto University, ; Kyoto, Japan
]ISNI 0000 0001 0671 9823, GRID grid.411219.e, , Kyoto University of Education, ; Kyoto, Japan
]ISNI 0000 0001 2242 4849, GRID grid.177174.3, Department of Physics, , Kyushu University, ; Fukuoka, Japan
]ISNI 0000 0001 2097 3940, GRID grid.9499.d, Instituto de Física La Plata, , Universidad Nacional de La Plata and CONICET, ; La Plata, Argentina
]ISNI 0000 0000 8190 6402, GRID grid.9835.7, Physics Department, , Lancaster University, ; Lancaster, UK
]ISNI 0000 0004 1761 7699, GRID grid.470680.d, , INFN Sezione di Lecce, ; Lecce, Italy
]ISNI 0000 0001 2289 7785, GRID grid.9906.6, Dipartimento di Matematica e Fisica, , Università del Salento, ; Lecce, Italy
]ISNI 0000 0004 1936 8470, GRID grid.10025.36, Oliver Lodge Laboratory, , University of Liverpool, ; Liverpool, UK
]ISNI 0000 0001 0706 0012, GRID grid.11375.31, Department of Physics, , Jožef Stefan Institute and University of Ljubljana, ; Ljubljana, Slovenia
]ISNI 0000 0001 2171 1133, GRID grid.4868.2, School of Physics and Astronomy, , Queen Mary University of London, ; London, UK
]ISNI 0000 0001 2188 881X, GRID grid.4970.a, Department of Physics, , Royal Holloway University of London, ; Surrey, UK
]ISNI 0000000121901201, GRID grid.83440.3b, Department of Physics and Astronomy, , University College London, ; London, UK
]ISNI 0000000121506076, GRID grid.259237.8, , Louisiana Tech University, ; Ruston, LA USA
]ISNI 0000 0001 1955 3500, GRID grid.5805.8, Laboratoire de Physique Nucléaire et de Hautes Energies, , UPMC and Université Paris-Diderot and CNRS/IN2P3, ; Paris, France
]ISNI 0000 0001 0930 2361, GRID grid.4514.4, Fysiska institutionen, , Lunds universitet, ; Lund, Sweden
]ISNI 0000000119578126, GRID grid.5515.4, Departamento de Fisica Teorica C-15, , Universidad Autonoma de Madrid, ; Madrid, Spain
]ISNI 0000 0001 1941 7111, GRID grid.5802.f, Institut für Physik, , Universität Mainz, ; Mainz, Germany
]ISNI 0000000121662407, GRID grid.5379.8, School of Physics and Astronomy, , University of Manchester, ; Manchester, UK
]ISNI 0000 0004 0452 0652, GRID grid.470046.1, , CPPM, Aix-Marseille Université and CNRS/IN2P3, ; Marseille, France
]ISNI 0000 0001 2184 9220, GRID grid.266683.f, Department of Physics, , University of Massachusetts, ; Amherst, MA USA
]ISNI 0000 0004 1936 8649, GRID grid.14709.3b, Department of Physics, , McGill University, ; Montreal, QC Canada
]ISNI 0000 0001 2179 088X, GRID grid.1008.9, School of Physics, , University of Melbourne, ; Melbourne, VIC Australia
]ISNI 0000000086837370, GRID grid.214458.e, Department of Physics, , The University of Michigan, ; Ann Arbor, MI USA
]ISNI 0000 0001 2150 1785, GRID grid.17088.36, Department of Physics and Astronomy, , Michigan State University, ; East Lansing, MI USA
]GRID grid.470206.7, , INFN Sezione di Milano, ; Milan, Italy
]ISNI 0000 0004 1757 2822, GRID grid.4708.b, Dipartimento di Fisica, , Università di Milano, ; Milan, Italy
]ISNI 0000 0001 2271 2138, GRID grid.410300.6, B.I. Stepanov Institute of Physics, , National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, ; Minsk, Republic of Belarus
]ISNI 0000 0001 1092 255X, GRID grid.17678.3f, , National Scientific and Educational Centre for Particle and High Energy Physics, ; Minsk, Republic of Belarus
]ISNI 0000 0001 2292 3357, GRID grid.14848.31, Group of Particle Physics, , University of Montreal, ; Montreal, QC Canada
]ISNI 0000 0001 0656 6476, GRID grid.425806.d, , P.N. Lebedev Physical Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences, ; Moscow, Russia
]ISNI 0000 0001 0125 8159, GRID grid.21626.31, , Institute for Theoretical and Experimental Physics (ITEP), ; Moscow, Russia
]ISNI 0000 0000 8868 5198, GRID grid.183446.c, , National Research Nuclear University (MEPhI), ; Moscow, Russia
]ISNI 0000 0001 2342 9668, GRID grid.14476.30, D.V. Skobeltsyn Institute of Nuclear Physics, , M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University, ; Moscow, Russia
]ISNI 0000 0004 1936 973X, GRID grid.5252.0, Fakultät für Physik, , Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, ; Munich, Germany
]ISNI 0000 0001 2375 0603, GRID grid.435824.c, , Max-Planck-Institut für Physik (Werner-Heisenberg-Institut), ; Munich, Germany
]ISNI 0000 0000 9853 5396, GRID grid.444367.6, , Nagasaki Institute of Applied Science, ; Nagasaki, Japan
]ISNI 0000 0001 0943 978X, GRID grid.27476.30, Graduate School of Science and Kobayashi-Maskawa Institute, , Nagoya University, ; Nagoya, Japan
]GRID grid.470211.1, , INFN Sezione di Napoli, ; Naples, Italy
]ISNI 0000 0001 0790 385X, GRID grid.4691.a, Dipartimento di Fisica, , Università di Napoli, ; Naples, Italy
]ISNI 0000 0001 2188 8502, GRID grid.266832.b, Department of Physics and Astronomy, , University of New Mexico, ; Albuquerque, NM USA
]ISNI 0000000122931605, GRID grid.5590.9, Institute for Mathematics, Astrophysics and Particle Physics, , Radboud University Nijmegen/Nikhef, ; Nijmegen, The Netherlands
]ISNI 0000 0004 0646 2193, GRID grid.420012.5, , Nikhef National Institute for Subatomic Physics and University of Amsterdam, ; Amsterdam, The Netherlands
]ISNI 0000 0000 9003 8934, GRID grid.261128.e, Department of Physics, , Northern Illinois University, ; DeKalb, IL USA
]GRID grid.418495.5, , Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics, SB RAS, ; Novosibirsk, Russia
]ISNI 0000 0004 1936 8753, GRID grid.137628.9, Department of Physics, , New York University, ; New York, NY USA
]ISNI 0000 0001 2285 7943, GRID grid.261331.4, , Ohio State University, ; Columbus, OH USA
]ISNI 0000 0001 1302 4472, GRID grid.261356.5, Faculty of Science, , Okayama University, ; Okayama, Japan
]ISNI 0000 0004 0447 0018, GRID grid.266900.b, Homer L. Dodge Department of Physics and Astronomy, , University of Oklahoma, ; Norman, OK USA
]ISNI 0000 0001 0721 7331, GRID grid.65519.3e, Department of Physics, , Oklahoma State University, ; Stillwater, OK USA
]ISNI 0000 0001 1245 3953, GRID grid.10979.36, , Palacký University, RCPTM, ; Olomouc, Czech Republic
]ISNI 0000 0004 1936 8008, GRID grid.170202.6, Center for High Energy Physics, , University of Oregon, ; Eugene, OR USA
]ISNI 0000 0001 2171 2558, GRID grid.5842.b, , LAL, Univ. Paris-Sud, CNRS/IN2P3, Université Paris Saclay, ; Orsay, France
]ISNI 0000 0004 0373 3971, GRID grid.136593.b, Graduate School of Science, , Osaka University, ; Osaka, Japan
]ISNI 0000 0004 1936 8921, GRID grid.5510.1, Department of Physics, , University of Oslo, ; Oslo, Norway
]ISNI 0000 0004 1936 8948, GRID grid.4991.5, Department of Physics, , Oxford University, ; Oxford, UK
]GRID grid.470213.3, , INFN Sezione di Pavia, ; Pavia, Italy
]ISNI 0000 0004 1762 5736, GRID grid.8982.b, Dipartimento di Fisica, , Università di Pavia, ; Pavia, Italy
]ISNI 0000 0004 1936 8972, GRID grid.25879.31, Department of Physics, , University of Pennsylvania, ; Philadelphia, PA USA
]National Research Centre “Kurchatov Institute” B.P.Konstantinov Petersburg Nuclear
Physics Institute, St. Petersburg, Russia
]GRID grid.470216.6, , INFN Sezione di Pisa, ; Pisa, Italy
]ISNI 0000 0004 1757 3729, GRID grid.5395.a, Dipartimento di Fisica E. Fermi, , Università di Pisa, ; Pisa, Italy
]ISNI 0000 0004 1936 9000, GRID grid.21925.3d, Department of Physics and Astronomy, , University of Pittsburgh, ; Pittsburgh, PA USA
]GRID grid.420929.4, , Laboratório de Instrumentação e Física Experimental de Partículas -LIP, ; Lisbon, Portugal
]ISNI 0000 0001 2181 4263, GRID grid.9983.b, Faculdade de Ciências, , Universidade de Lisboa, ; Lisbon, Portugal
]ISNI 0000 0000 9511 4342, GRID grid.8051.c, Department of Physics, , University of Coimbra, ; Coimbra, Portugal
]ISNI 0000 0001 2181 4263, GRID grid.9983.b, , Centro de Física Nuclear da Universidade de Lisboa, ; Lisbon, Portugal
]ISNI 0000 0001 2159 175X, GRID grid.10328.38, Departamento de Fisica, , Universidade do Minho, ; Braga, Portugal
]ISNI 0000000121678994, GRID grid.4489.1, Departamento de Fisica Teorica y del Cosmos and CAFPE, , Universidad de Granada, ; Granada, Spain
]ISNI 0000000121511713, GRID grid.10772.33, Dep Fisica and CEFITEC of Faculdade de Ciencias e Tecnologia, , Universidade Nova de Lisboa, ; Caparica, Portugal
]ISNI 0000 0001 1015 3316, GRID grid.418095.1, Institute of Physics, , Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, ; Prague, Czech Republic
]ISNI 0000000121738213, GRID grid.6652.7, , Czech Technical University in Prague, ; Prague, Czech Republic
]ISNI 0000 0004 1937 116X, GRID grid.4491.8, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, , Charles University in Prague, ; Prague, Czech Republic
]ISNI 0000 0004 0620 440X, GRID grid.424823.b, , State Research Center Institute for High Energy Physics, ; Protvino, Russia
]ISNI 0000 0001 2296 6998, GRID grid.76978.37, Particle Physics Department, , Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, ; Didcot NRC KI, UK
]GRID grid.470218.8, , INFN Sezione di Roma, ; Rome, Italy
]GRID grid.7841.a, Dipartimento di Fisica, , Sapienza Università di Roma, ; Rome, Italy
]GRID grid.470219.9, , INFN Sezione di Roma Tor Vergata, ; Rome, Italy
]ISNI 0000 0001 2300 0941, GRID grid.6530.0, Dipartimento di Fisica, , Università di Roma Tor Vergata, ; Rome, Italy
]GRID grid.470220.3, , INFN Sezione di Roma Tre, ; Rome, Italy
]ISNI 0000000121622106, GRID grid.8509.4, Dipartimento di Matematica e Fisica, , Università Roma Tre, ; Rome, Italy
]ISNI 0000 0001 2180 2473, GRID grid.412148.a, Faculté des Sciences Ain Chock, , Réseau Universitaire de Physique des Hautes Energies-Université Hassan II, ; Casablanca, Morocco
]GRID grid.450269.c, , Centre National de l’Energie des Sciences Techniques Nucleaires, ; Rabat, Morocco
]ISNI 0000 0001 0664 9298, GRID grid.411840.8, Faculté des Sciences Semlalia, , Université Cadi Ayyad, LPHEA-Marrakech, ; Marrakech, Morocco
]ISNI 0000 0004 1772 8348, GRID grid.410890.4, Faculté des Sciences, , Université Mohamed Premier and LPTPM, ; Oujda, Morocco
]ISNI 0000 0001 2168 4024, GRID grid.31143.34, Faculté des Sciences, , Université Mohammed V, ; Rabat, Morocco
]GRID grid.457334.2, , DSM/IRFU (Institut de Recherches sur les Lois Fondamentales de l’Univers), CEA Saclay
(Commissariat à l’Energie Atomique et aux Energies Alternatives), ; Gif-sur-Yvette, France
]ISNI 0000 0001 0740 6917, GRID grid.205975.c, Santa Cruz Institute for Particle Physics, , University of California Santa Cruz, ; Santa Cruz, CA USA
]ISNI 0000000122986657, GRID grid.34477.33, Department of Physics, , University of Washington, ; Seattle, WA USA
]ISNI 0000 0004 1936 9262, GRID grid.11835.3e, Department of Physics and Astronomy, , University of Sheffield, ; Sheffield, UK
]ISNI 0000 0001 1507 4692, GRID grid.263518.b, Department of Physics, , Shinshu University, ; Nagano, Japan
]ISNI 0000 0001 2242 8751, GRID grid.5836.8, Fachbereich Physik, , Universität Siegen, ; Siegen, Germany
]ISNI 0000 0004 1936 7494, GRID grid.61971.38, Department of Physics, , Simon Fraser University, ; Burnaby, BC Canada
]ISNI 0000 0001 0725 7771, GRID grid.445003.6, , SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory, ; Stanford, CA USA
]ISNI 0000000109409708, GRID grid.7634.6, Faculty of Mathematics, Physics and Informatics, , Comenius University, ; Bratislava, Slovak Republic
]ISNI 0000 0004 0488 9791, GRID grid.435184.f, Department of Subnuclear Physics, , Institute of Experimental Physics of the Slovak Academy of Sciences, ; Kosice, Slovak Republic
]ISNI 0000 0004 1937 1151, GRID grid.7836.a, Department of Physics, , University of Cape Town, ; Cape Town, South Africa
]ISNI 0000 0001 0109 131X, GRID grid.412988.e, Department of Physics, , University of Johannesburg, ; Johannesburg, South Africa
]ISNI 0000 0004 1937 1135, GRID grid.11951.3d, School of Physics, , University of the Witwatersrand, ; Johannesburg, South Africa
]ISNI 0000 0004 1936 9377, GRID grid.10548.38, Department of Physics, , Stockholm University, ; Stockholm, Sweden
]ISNI 0000 0004 1936 9377, GRID grid.10548.38, , The Oskar Klein Centre, ; Stockholm, Sweden
]ISNI 0000000121581746, GRID grid.5037.1, Physics Department, , Royal Institute of Technology, ; Stockholm, Sweden
]ISNI 0000 0001 2216 9681, GRID grid.36425.36, Departments of Physics and Astronomy and Chemistry, , Stony Brook University, ; Stony Brook, NY USA
]ISNI 0000 0004 1936 7590, GRID grid.12082.39, Department of Physics and Astronomy, , University of Sussex, ; Brighton, UK
]ISNI 0000 0004 1936 834X, GRID grid.1013.3, School of Physics, , University of Sydney, ; Sydney, NSW Australia
]ISNI 0000 0001 2287 1366, GRID grid.28665.3f, Institute of Physics, , Academia Sinica, ; Taipei, Taiwan
]ISNI 0000000121102151, GRID grid.6451.6, Department of Physics, , Technion: Israel Institute of Technology, ; Haifa, Israel
]ISNI 0000 0004 1937 0546, GRID grid.12136.37, Raymond and Beverly Sackler School of Physics and Astronomy, , Tel Aviv University, ; Tel Aviv, Israel
]ISNI 0000000109457005, GRID grid.4793.9, Department of Physics, , Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, ; Thessaloniki, Greece
]ISNI 0000 0001 2151 536X, GRID grid.26999.3d, International Center for Elementary Particle Physics and Department of Physics, , The University of Tokyo, ; Tokyo, Japan
]ISNI 0000 0001 1090 2030, GRID grid.265074.2, Graduate School of Science and Technology, , Tokyo Metropolitan University, ; Tokyo, Japan
]ISNI 0000 0001 2179 2105, GRID grid.32197.3e, Department of Physics, , Tokyo Institute of Technology, ; Tokyo, Japan
]GRID grid.17063.33, Department of Physics, , University of Toronto, ; Toronto, ON Canada
]ISNI 0000 0001 0705 9791, GRID grid.232474.4, , TRIUMF, ; Vancouver, BC Canada
]ISNI 0000 0004 1936 9430, GRID grid.21100.32, Department of Physics and Astronomy, , York University, ; Toronto, ON Canada
]ISNI 0000 0001 2369 4728, GRID grid.20515.33, Faculty of Pure and Applied Sciences, and Center for Integrated Research in Fundamental
Science and Engineering, , University of Tsukuba, ; Tsukuba, Japan
]ISNI 0000 0004 1936 7531, GRID grid.429997.8, Department of Physics and Astronomy, , Tufts University, ; Medford, MA USA
]ISNI 0000 0001 0668 7243, GRID grid.266093.8, Department of Physics and Astronomy, , University of California Irvine, ; Irvine, CA USA
]INFN Gruppo Collegato di Udine, Sezione di Trieste, Udine, Italy
]ISNI 0000 0001 2184 9917, GRID grid.419330.c, , ICTP, ; Trieste, Italy
]ISNI 0000 0001 2113 062X, GRID grid.5390.f, Dipartimento di Chimica Fisica e Ambiente, , Università di Udine, ; Udine, Italy
]ISNI 0000 0004 1936 9457, GRID grid.8993.b, Department of Physics and Astronomy, , University of Uppsala, ; Uppsala, Sweden
]ISNI 0000 0004 1936 9991, GRID grid.35403.31, Department of Physics, , University of Illinois, ; Urbana, IL USA
]ISNI 0000 0001 2173 938X, GRID grid.5338.d, Instituto de Fisica Corpuscular (IFIC) and Departamento de Fisica Atomica, Molecular
y Nuclear and Departamento de Ingeniería Electrónica and Instituto de Microelectrónica
de Barcelona (IMB-CNM), , University of Valencia and CSIC, ; Valencia, Spain
]ISNI 0000 0001 2288 9830, GRID grid.17091.3e, Department of Physics, , University of British Columbia, ; Vancouver, BC Canada
]ISNI 0000 0004 1936 9465, GRID grid.143640.4, Department of Physics and Astronomy, , University of Victoria, ; Victoria, BC Canada
]ISNI 0000 0000 8809 1613, GRID grid.7372.1, Department of Physics, , University of Warwick, ; Coventry, UK
]ISNI 0000 0004 1936 9975, GRID grid.5290.e, , Waseda University, ; Tokyo, Japan
]ISNI 0000 0004 0604 7563, GRID grid.13992.30, Department of Particle Physics, , The Weizmann Institute of Science, ; Rehovot, Israel
]ISNI 0000 0001 0701 8607, GRID grid.28803.31, Department of Physics, , University of Wisconsin, ; Madison, WI USA
]ISNI 0000 0001 1958 8658, GRID grid.8379.5, Fakultät für Physik und Astronomie, , Julius-Maximilians-Universität, ; Würzburg, Germany
]ISNI 0000 0001 2364 5811, GRID grid.7787.f, Fakultät für Mathematik und Naturwissenschaften, Fachgruppe Physik, , Bergische Universität Wuppertal, ; Wuppertal, Germany
]ISNI 0000000419368710, GRID grid.47100.32, Department of Physics, , Yale University, ; New Haven, CT USA
]ISNI 0000 0004 0482 7128, GRID grid.48507.3e, , Yerevan Physics Institute, ; Yerevan, Armenia
]ISNI 0000 0001 0664 3574, GRID grid.433124.3, , Centre de Calcul de l’Institut National de Physique Nucléaire et de Physique des Particules
(IN2P3), ; Villeurbanne, France
]ISNI 0000000095478293, GRID grid.9132.9, , CERN, ; 1211 Geneva 23, Switzerland