The high-energy diffuse gamma-ray emission and neutrino emission are expected from the Galactic plane, generated by hadronuclear interactions between cosmic rays (CR) and interstellar medium (ISM). Therefore, measurements of these diffuse emissions will provide important clues on the origin and nature of Galactic CRs. Comparing the latest observations of LHAASO and IceCube on the diffuse Galactic gamma-ray and neutrino emissions respectively, we suggest that the diffuse gamma-ray emission at multi-TeV energies contains a considerable contribution of a leptonic component. By modelling the gamma-ray halos powered by middle-aged pulsars in our Galaxy with taking into account the magnetic field configuration and the interstellar radiation field in the Galaxy, we demonstrate that the collective contribution of pulsar halos can account for the excess in the measured diffuse gamma-ray emission with respect to the predicted flux from CR-ISM interactions. The resulting one-dimensional profile along the Galactic longitude is also consistent with the observation.