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      Berufsbezogene Zufriedenheit und Gesundheitswahrnehmung von Tanzpädagoginnen und -pädagogen Translated title: Job-related satisfaction and health perception of dance teachers


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          Der eigene Körper ist das zentrale Arbeitsinstrument eines*einer Tanzpädagog*in (TP) innerhalb der Bewegungsvermittlung. Bisher fehlen Erkenntnisse über die subjektive Wahrnehmung der eigenen berufsassoziierten Gesundheit und Zufriedenheit sowie die Identifizierung gesundheitsbelastender Berufsmerkmale.


          Im Rahmen einer fragebogenbasierten Querschnittserhebung wurde eine Kohorte von TP in Deutschland zur eigenen Gesundheit und generellen Berufszufriedenheit und belastenden Aspekten im Zusammenhang mit ihrer Berufsausübung untersucht. Zusätzlich wurden allgemeine anthropometrische und soziodemographische Merkmale erfasst. Neben der Betrachtung der Gesamtkohorte wurde auf geschlechtsspezifische Unterschiede getestet. In die statistische Analyse wurden n = 232 TP (m: 51/w: 181) im Alter von 43,1 ± 11,0 Jahren eingeschlossen.


          Der allgemeine Gesundheitszustand wurde von 85,3 % der Befragten mit „befriedigend“ (26,1 %) bis „sehr gut“ (14,7 %) beurteilt. 59,2 % der Tanzpädagog*innen schätzten ihre Gesundheit „gut“ (35,3 %) bis „sehr gut“ ein. Es herrschte eine hohe Zufriedenheit mit der eigenen Berufsausübung für 80 % der Teilnehmenden. Die TP fühlten sich überwiegend in der Lage (trifft „voll & ganz“ bzw. „eher zu“), mit den physischen (75,7 %) und psychischen Berufsanforderungen (70,3 %) umzugehen. Als belastende Berufsmerkmale in der Eigenwahrnehmung können neben Zukunftsängsten (51,5 %) vor allem arbeitsorganisatorische (fehlende Zeit für Familie und Freunde bei 28,4 %) und ökonomische Aspekte (Einkommensunsicherheit bei 61,0 % und fehlende Altersabsicherung bei 65,7 %) herausgestellt werden.


          Die Berufsausübung als TP geht mit einer hohen generellen Zufriedenheit und einem positiven Empfinden des eigenen Gesundheitszustandes einher. Eine Bestätigung dieser positiven Ergebnisse durch Verletzungs- und Erkrankungsstatistiken steht noch aus. Darüber hinaus wäre eine Verbesserung arbeitsorganisatorischer und ökonomischer Aspekte wünschenswert.

          Translated abstract


          The dance teacherʼs own body is considered to be the central working instrument within the movement mediation. Up to now there is a lack of knowledge about the subjective perception of one’s own occupationally associated health and satisfaction as well as the identification of occupational characteristics that are detrimental to health.

          Material and methods

          Within the framework of a questionnaire-based cross-sectional survey, a cohort of dance teachers in Germany were investigated about dimensions of their own health and general job satisfaction in connection with their profession as a dance teacher. Likert scales were primarily used for these assessments. Additionally, general anthropometric and sociodemographic characteristics were recorded. Beside examining the overall cohort, gender-specific differences were tested. The statistical analysis included n = 232 dance teachers (male 51/female 181) aged 43.1 ± 11.0 years.


          The general state of health was rated as satisfactory (26.1%) to very good (14.7%) by 85.3% of those surveyed. Of the dance teachers 59.2% even rated their health as good (35.3%) to very good. There was a high degree of satisfaction with their own professional practice for 80% of the participants. Most of the dance teachers felt that they were able to deal with the physical (75.7%) and psychological demands of their profession (70.3%). In addition to fears about the future (51.5%), the main burdensome professional characteristics on dance teachers’ self-perception were organizational aspects of work (lack of time for family and friends in 28.4%) and economic aspects (income insecurity in 61.0% and lack of old age security in 65.7%).


          The profession as a dance teacher is accompanied by a high level of general satisfaction and a positive perception of one’s own state of health. A confirmation of these positive results by injury and illness statistics is still pending. In addition, an improvement in work organization and economic aspects would be desirable.

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          Most cited references21

          • Record: found
          • Abstract: found
          • Article: not found

          The relationship between job satisfaction and health: a meta-analysis.

          A vast number of published studies have suggested a link between job satisfaction levels and health. The sizes of the relationships reported vary widely. Narrative overviews of this relationship have been published, but no systematic meta-analysis review has been conducted. A systematic review and meta-analysis of 485 studies with a combined sample size of 267 995 individuals was conducted, evaluating the research evidence linking self-report measures of job satisfaction to measures of physical and mental wellbeing. The overall correlation combined across all health measures was r = 0.312 (0.370 after Schmidt-Hunter adjustment). Job satisfaction was most strongly associated with mental/psychological problems; strongest relationships were found for burnout (corrected r = 0.478), self-esteem(r = 0.429), depression (r = 0.428), and anxiety(r = 0.420). The correlation with subjective physical illness was more modest (r = 0.287). Correlations in excess of 0.3 are rare in this context. The relationships found suggest that job satisfaction level is an important factor influencing the health of workers. Organisations should include the development of stress management policies to identify and eradicate work practices that cause most job dissatisfaction as part of any exercise aimed at improving employee health. Occupational health clinicians should consider counselling employees diagnosed as having psychological problems to critically evaluate their work-and help them to explore ways of gaining greater satisfaction from this important aspect of their life.
            • Record: found
            • Abstract: not found
            • Article: not found

            A review of the healthy worker effect in occupational epidemiology

              • Record: found
              • Abstract: found
              • Article: found
              Is Open Access

              Measuring psychological stress and strain at work - Evaluation of the COPSOQ Questionnaire in Germany

              The undisputed increase of the relevance of mental work load is confronted with a lack of qualified or at least well documented measuring instruments covering all important aspects. The COPSOQ (Copenhagen Psychosocial Questionnaire), a comprehensive instrument for the assessment of psychosocial factors at work, was tested in a partly modified version in a large German sample (N = 2561 employees). The aims of the study were the detailed investigation of the psychometric measurement properties, and based on these results, the development of an abbreviated version of the instrument. The analysis of objectivity, acceptance, practicability, sensitivity and content validity of the questionnaire as a whole did not show any problematic results – with some limitations regarding the length of the questionnaire. The assessment of the reliability, generalisability, construct validity, criterion validity and diagnostic power of the single scales showed medium to good measuring qualities for the majority of the scales (i.e. Cronbach’s alpha mostly >0.7). In addition, the psychometric properties were very similar to those in the Danish COPSOQ-study. Considering all aspects of the measurement quality, a shortened version of the instrument was created. It attempts to combine measuring qualities as high as possible with a number of questions as low as possible. The German COPSOQ questionnaire is a free screening-instrument for the recording of psychosocial work load and strain for all enterprises and organisations interested. The next step is the construction of a "job exposure matrix" for psychosocial factors at work, that means a central database with work load profiles and reference values for as many occupational groups as possible.

                Author and article information

                Zentralbl Arbeitsmed Arbeitsschutz Ergon
                Zentralbl Arbeitsmed Arbeitsschutz Ergon
                Zentralblatt Fur Arbeitsmedizin, Arbeitsschutz Und Ergonomie
                Springer Berlin Heidelberg (Berlin/Heidelberg )
                29 January 2021
                29 January 2021
                : 1-9
                [1 ]GRID grid.9026.d, ISNI 0000 0001 2287 2617, Fakultät für Bewegungswissenschaft, Institut für Sport und Bewegungsmedizin, , Universität Hamburg, ; Hamburg, Deutschland
                [2 ]GRID grid.7839.5, ISNI 0000 0004 1936 9721, Institut für Arbeits‑, Sozial- und Umweltmedizin, , Goethe-Universität, ; Theodor-Stern-Kai 7, Haus 9a, 60590 Frankfurt/Main, Deutschland
                © The Author(s) 2021

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                : 29 July 2020
                : 13 December 2020
                : 16 December 2020
                Funded by: Johann Wolfgang Goethe-Universität, Frankfurt am Main (1022)

                berufszufriedenheit,berufliche gesundheit,subjektiver gesundheitszustand,tanz,pädagoge/in,job satisfaction,occupational health,subjective health status,dance,pedagogue


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