We consider a finite group G acting on a manifold M. For any equivariant Morse function, which is a generic condition, there does not always exist an equivariant metric g on M such that the pair (f,g) is Morse-Smale. Here, the pair (f,g) is called Morse-Smale if the descending and ascending manifolds intersect transversely. The best possible metrics g are those that make the pair (f,g) stably Morse-Smale. A diffeomorphism ϕ:M→M is a reflection, if ϕ2=id and the fixed point set of ϕ forms a codimension-one submanifold (with M∖Mfix not necessarily disconnected). In this note, we focus on the special case where the group G={id,ϕ}. We show that the condition of being stably Morse-Smale is generic for metrics g. Given a stably Morse-Smale pair, we introduce a canonical equivariant Thom-Smale-Witten complex by counting certain broken trajectories. This has applications to the case when we have a manifold with boundary and when the Morse function has critical points on the boundary. We provide an alternative definition of the Thom-Smale-Witten complexes, which are quasi-isomorphic to those defined by Kronheimer and Mrowka. We also explore the case when G is generated by multiple reflections. As an example, we compute the Thom-Smale-Witten complex of an upright higher-genus surface by counting broken trajectories.