Se realizaron estudios de estrés oxidativo en 2 cepas de Euglena gracilis (MAT y UTEX). Se sometieron los cultivos a diferentes concentraciones de cromo hexavalente. Se determinó la actividad superóxido dismutasa, la cantidad de lípidos totales, la concentración de clorofila a y se realizaron las respectivas curvas de crecimiento. Los resultados obtenidos demuestran que el cromo, además de afectar la producción de lípidos, clorofila y crecimiento celular, aumenta la actividad superóxido dismutasa y se observan notables diferencias entre ambas cepas.
Studies of oxidative stress were conducted in 2 strains of Euglena gracilis (MAT and UTEX). The cultures were subjected to different concentrations of hexavalent chromium. The superoxide dismutase activity, the amount of total lipids and the concentration of clorophyll were determined and the respective growth curves were obtained. The results obtained show that chromium besides affecting the production of lipids, clorophyll and cellular growth, increases the superoxide dismutase activity. Significant differences are observed between both strains.