Several syndromes have been recognized with digital abnormality and CNS involvement such as oculodentodigital dysplasia (ODDD), Mohr syndrome and Joubert syndrome. We report a patient who was referred to us because of the neurological signs suspicious of metabolic disorders. This case was a 22-year-old woman whose problems began 4 years ago with shortening of memory, ataxia, abnormal gait and diplopia which progressed slowly.
She consulted many neurologists and was on treatment with the suspicion of vasculitis, but no response was detected. She had severe short stature, hypoplasia of the middle and distal phalanges of the first, second and third fingers, clinodactyly, abnormal toes, abnormal enamel and missing teeth. She had no characteristic faces of ODDD and ophthalmological abnormality. Our patient might be a variant of ODDD or a new syndrome with somatic and neurologic signs.