Average rating: | Rated 2 of 5. |
Level of importance: | Rated 2 of 5. |
Level of validity: | Rated 2 of 5. |
Level of completeness: | Rated 2 of 5. |
Level of comprehensibility: | Rated 2 of 5. |
Competing interests: | None |
The manuscript faces a topical issue regarding the interrelations between mental health assessment and the lockdown duration. The gathered data are of great interest and constitute a strength point of the study. In addition, the application of machine learning techniques in such a context represents an added value. However, many methodological problems considerably mitigate my enthusiasm. My major concerns regard the poor readability of the study and the choice to model as outcome variable the lockdown duration. The poor readability is mainly due to lack of specifications, descriptions and details that make the analyses hard to reproduce. A paramount purpose of a scientific paper should be the reliability and the reproducibility of the results through a detailed description of the applied models and methods (it should be very useful to add -maybe- in supplementary materials the code or pseudo-code used for the analysis). The second concern regards the SVR approach and in particular the choice to predict the lockdown duration. It is not clear the rationale for which the mental health variables should predict the lockdown duration! It will be reasonable to assess the reverse relation, i.e. the relation between the duration of lockdown (as predictor of) and mental health variables (as outcomes/dependent variables).
Other major and minor comments and suggestions are reported below.
Abstract is quite difficult to read. It is the first part on which a reader focus his/her attention so it has to convey clearly the main information. Please try to re-edit the abstract with well separated subsections of background, methods, results and conclusions
Table 1
Participants section
Data Analysis section
-lines 221-222. I am sorry, but I can see a clear U-shape in figure2. Please explain.
-line 254. The reader has to reach the discussion section to know which is the outcome variable under investigation with SVR: the lockdown duration. Moreover, is not clear the rationale for which the mental health variables should predict the lockdown duration. It would be reasonable to assess the reverse relation, i.e. the relation between the duration of lockdown (as predictor of) and mental health variables (as outcomes/dependent variables). In fact, seems to me that the true intention of the Authors to assess the reverse relation is revealed by the statement in lines 304-306. It is worth to note this point that appears crucial. The nature of variables cannot be ignored. The lockdown duration cannot be a random variable since it is measured without error and it is the same for all subjects involved in the survey. Conversely, the mental health variables are random variables because they vary among subjects. In light of this, the whole paper medialisation should be rethought by considering the mental health variables as the main outcomes (the target variables) in relation with/affected by lockdown duration.