Peter Lang Books

Peter Lang Group has over 50 years of expertise publishing high quality, peer-reviewed scholarly books in the humanities and social sciences.  We publish approximately 1,400 titles in multiple languages each year with over 40,000 print and ebooks available.  Core subject areas include the Arts, Cultural Studies, Economics & Law, Education, Media & Communication, History & Politics, Languages and Literatures, Linguistics, Philosophy, and Slavic Studies.

We are dedicated to offering superior publishing services to Higher Education institutions and academics. From research monographs and journals to student textbooks and Open Access publications, Peter Lang Group is committed to the worldwide dissemination of academic research.

These metrics are updated across the whole ScienceOpen platform every 24 hours.


About Peter Lang


The Peter Lang Group is proud to present a glimpse into our editorial program on ScienceOpen.  In Communication, we include new titles on interpersonal studies including communication, social media and crisis during the Covid-19 pandemic.  Our History selections focus on cultural history around the world with highlights on the Eastern Europe, Scandinavia, the Middle East and Western Europe.  Our award-winning list offered in education on ScienceOpen highlights ELT, TESOL and bilingual education.  Personal narratives from the teacher and student perspective round out the list.  We focus on gender and ethnic studies with this selection from Languages and Literatures.  

We hope you enjoy learning more about the Peter Lang Group's content.  We take pride in publishing the research of important and emerging scholars in the humanities and social sciences.



We publish about 1,400+ titles every year in German, English, and French, as well as in multiple other languages, from traditional print products to eBooks and Open Access publications.

We are dedicated to offering top quality publishing services to Higher Education institutions and academics, with complete commitment to the worldwide dissemination of academic research.  

The headquarters in Lausanne, Switzerland, are the central hub for management and administration. Our team of Acquisition Editors are based in continental Europe and Anglo-American regions with offices in Berlin, New York, Oxford, Brussels and supporting locations in Vienna, Dublin, Warsaw, and Istanbul. We work with authors locally and distribute globally. 



Statement of Intent 


For academics in the Humanities and Social Sciences, we are disseminators of valuable academic research that empowers passionate authors to reach eager readers. We strive to do this faster than expected and at a quality higher than hoped for because we have been doing it for over 50 years and are prepared for the next 50. We believe in what we do, which leads to meaningful growth for authors, readers and employees.  



Company History 


In 1970 the Swiss businessman Peter Lang founded Peter Lang GmbH in Frankfurt am Main, developing the company into a well-known publisher for research in the Humanities and Social Sciences. His publishing expertise, the result of working with his father, the Bernese publisher and bookseller Herbert Lang, along with his own drive and initiative, led to the rapid growth of the Press. 

International networks and close working relationships with authors stood at the core of the business. Over the years, more offices opened in university centers around the world.  


Collection Information