Special issue: Social Pedagogy in the Nordic Countries

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Collection details

Social Pedagogy in the Nordic Countries

International Journal of Social Pedagogy special issue.


This International Journal of Social Pedagogy special issue on Social Pedagogy in the Nordic Countries generally stems from Hämäläinen’s (2012) definition of two main developmental lines of social pedagogy: a line of social care and welfare activities preventing and alleviating social exclusion, and a line of social education supporting growth into membership of society. In the Nordic countries, both of these lines exist in social pedagogical discussion, research and practice. The special issue aims to both discuss the existence of these lines as such and show examples of social pedagogical work on the arenas of both general and special social education.


Publication date: 28 September 2019


Guest Editor

Elina Nivala, Department of Social Sciences, University of Eastern Finland, Finland


Article list

Editorial: Special issue on social pedagogy in the Nordic countries

Elina Nivala
Publication date: 8 February 2019


Pictorial meaning-making in a community project in Helsinki. Freirean interpretations of a dialogical process

Aino Hannula
Publication date: 8 February 2019


Social pedagogy in a human rights context: Lessons from primary schools in Iceland

Vilborg Jóhannsdóttir & Jóna Ingólfsdóttir
Publication date: 28 September 2018


‘Positive recognition’ as a preventive approach in child and youth welfare services

Riikka Korkiamäki, Kirsi Pauliina Kallio & Jouni Häkli
Publication date: 28 September 2018


Fostering transformational teacher agency in Finnish teacher education

Minni Matikainen, Perttu Männistö & Aleksi Fornaciari
Publication date: 28 September 2018


Inequality as a social pedagogical question

Sanna Ryynänen & Elina Nivala
Publication date: 30 January 2019


Social pedagogical practices in Swedish welfare contexts

Elisabet Cedersund, Lisbeth Eriksson, Bibbi Ringsby-Jansson & Lars A. Svensson
Publication date: 30 January 2019


Social pedagogy-informed residential child care

Eeva Timonen-Kallio & Juha Hämäläinen
Publication date: 31 January 2019

Harnessing Horses in Social Pedagogy: Equine assisted Social Education in School Context

Ritva Mickelsson
Publication date: 16 July 2019


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