Islamic and Middle Eastern Studies

Edinburgh University Press (EUP) Islamic & Middle Eastern Studies books and journals span a range of subject areas, including area studies, politics & international relations, religion, history, art & architecture, language & linguistics.

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Collection details


Islamic and Middle Eastern Studies

- a topical collection by Edinburgh University Press - 


Aims & Scope


Our Islamic & Middle Eastern Studies books and journals span a range of subject areas, including area studies where our scholarship takes a global approach, encompassing Asia, MENA and the wider world. Our scholarship sheds light on the experiences of minorities and diasporas worldwide while our politics & international relations research keeps you up-to-date with the dynamic situation in the Middle East. From studying Islam to providing in-depth examinations of religious texts, figures and developments, religion is a central area of our publishing. So, too, is history, where research spans the classical to contemporary periods with full-colour, beautifully illustrated books in art & architecture. Within language & linguistics our textbooks and vocabularies help Arabic language students with their studies while our series on classical and modern Arabic literature showcase the best new work in the area.



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Anna Glazier

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Rob Dale

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Sarah McDonald

Collection Information