Electron channelling contrast in the scanning electron microscope (SEM).
Including electron channelling pattern (ECP) and electron channelling contrast imaging (ECCI).
Collection of papers relating to electron channelling contrast in the scanning electron microscope (SEM). Including electron channelling patterns (ECPs) which show the variation of electron signal (typically the back scattered electron intensity) with incident beam direction which reveal the crystallography of the sample, and electron channelling contrast images (ECCIs) which show the spatial variation of the selected signal and reveal local defects in the crystal lattice.
The methods were conceived in the 1960s, and there have been several periods of active research over the intervening decades. The performance of current SEMs makes the method an attractive alternative to TEM for routine diffraction contrast imaging and characterisation of lattice defects in crystalline samples.
The collection is will grow over the next months - please get in touch with other papers to add.
Background image credit: | left - electron channelling pattern - Angus J Wilkinson |
ScienceOpen disciplines: | Solid state physics, Materials characterization, Materials science |
Keywords: | electron microscopy, scanning electron microscopy, transmission electron microscopy, lattice defects, dislocations, stacking faults, ECP, ECCI, EBSD |
DOI: | 10.14293/S2199-1006.1.SOR-MATSCI.CL5DDH3.v1 |