Dove Medical Press Super Collection

Dove Medical Press Ltd is part of Taylor & Francis Group, the Academic Publishing Division of Informa PLC.
We specialize in the publication of Open Access peer-reviewed journals across the broad spectrum of science, technology and especially medicine.

These metrics are updated across the whole ScienceOpen platform every 24 hours.


Dove Medical Press




Dove Medical Press Ltd is part of Taylor & Francis Group, the Academic Publishing Division of Informa PLC.

We specialize in the publication of Open Access peer-reviewed journals across the broad spectrum of science, technology and especially medicine.

Dove Medical Press was founded in 2003 with the objective of combining the highest editorial standards with the 'best of breed' new publishing technologies. We have offices in Manchester and London in the United Kingdom, representatives in Princeton, New Jersey in the United States, and our editorial offices are in Auckland, New Zealand.

Dr Scott Fraser is our Medical Director based in the UK. He has been in full time clinical practice for over 20 years as well as having an active research interest.

Key Management Staff:

  • Gail Smith, General Manager, United Kingdom
  • Angela Jones, General Manager, New Zealand
  • Jan Goodwin, Client Services Director (Re-Use and Permissions), United Kingdom
  • Tracy Cleary, Digital Marketing Manager, New Zealand
  • Tania Olliver, Production Manager, New Zealand
  • Sandra Walters, Peer-review Manager, New Zealand
  • Robert Irvine, Revised Manuscripts Manager, New Zealand
  • Justinn Cochran, Consulting Editor Manager, New Zealand

For more information about Taylor & Francis Group, visit



Editorial Policies


Dove Medical Press is a member of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) and endorses the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE) Recommendations for the Conduct, Reporting, Editing and Publication of Scholarly Work in Medical Journals as well as the GPP3 guidelines regarding authorship.

Submission of a manuscript to a Dove Medical Press journal implies that all authors have read and agreed to its content and that the manuscript conforms to the journal’s policies.



Author Guidelines


In this section you will find information on the entire submission process for Dovepress Journals. This includes how to format the paper, the language guidelines, referencing, the use of data & clinical trials and the acceptance process. These resources ensure the quality of the journal submissions and that the articles have the best chance of acceptance.

A summary of some of these sections are:

Manuscript preparation

This provides guidelines to the formatting requirements for a submission to Dove Medical Press, with instructions for formatting the document (margins, spacing, etc) and the text (spelling, abbreviations, etc).

Manuscript template

The template provided at this link can be used to ensure that the manuscript meets Dove specifications for formatting and structure of the text. The template can be downloaded and saved to your computer.

Manuscript structure

This section contains a detailed breakdown of each section that the manuscript will contain, as well as all disclosures and acknowledgements that are required by Dove Medical Press. The section also includes criteria for inclusion in the author list.

Figures and tables

This contains specifications for the formatting of figures and tables, including technical requirements such as file types and naming, and graphic requirements such as font size and image resolution.

Clinical trial registration

This provides a clear definition that authors may use to determine if their study will be considered a clinical trial. The section sets out Dove’s requirements for registration of any clinical trial involving human subjects.

Reference style guidelines

In this section, authors will find style requirements for references and examples of how to reference different kinds of material, such as journal articles, books, etc.

Article type definitions

Authors may use these detailed descriptions of different paper types accepted by Dove Medical Press (case reports, reviews, etc) to decide how to label their paper during the submission process.

Invited reviews

This section explains Dove’s polices and procedures for commissioned reviews – please view this section if you have been approached by Dove to write a review paper.

Video abstracts

Here you will find technical specifications and editorial guidelines for authors wishing to include a video abstract in their submission. The section provides examples of video abstracts and instructions on how to submit a completed video.

Guide to submission status indicators

As your manuscript moves through the submission and publication processes, you will see a status indicator for the manuscript in the dashboard of your user account. This section explains each of the status indicators used by Dove Medical Press.


This section provides guidelines for using Dove’s Online Correction Tool, which authors will use to check and amend manuscript proofs during the editorial process.

Does your manuscript need to have its English improved?

Here you will find a link to Dove’s recommended English-language editing service.



Clinical Interventions in Aging

This international, peer-reviewed Open Access journal by Dove Medical Press focuses on evidence-based reports on the value of treatments intended to prevent the onset of maladaptive correlates of aging in humans.

Created on 2017-01-20

Drug Design, Development and Therapy

This international, peer-reviewed Open Access journal by Dove Medical Press spans the spectrum of drug design and development through to clinical applications.

Created on 2017-01-20

International Journal of COPD

This international, peer-reviewed Open Access journal of therapeutics and pharmacology by Dove Medical Press focuses on concise rapid reporting of clinical studies and reviews in COPD. 

Created on 2017-01-20

International Journal of Nanomedicine

This international, peer-reviewed Open Access journal by Dove Medical Press focuses on the application of nanotechnology in diagnostics, therapeutics, and drug delivery systems throughout the biomedical field. 

Created on 2017-01-20

Journal of Pain Research

This international, peer-reviewed Open Access journal by Dove Medical Press welcomes laboratory and clinical findings in the fields of pain research and the prevention and management of pain.

Created on 2017-01-20

Neuropsychiatric Disease and Treatment

This international, peer-reviewed Open Access journal by Dove Medical Press focuses on concise rapid reporting of clinical or pre-clinical studies on a range of neuropsychiatric and neurological disorders.

Created on 2017-01-20

OncoTargets and Therapy

This international, peer-reviewed Open Access journal by Dove Medical Press focuses on the pathological basis of cancers, potential targets for therapy and treatment protocols to improve the management of cancer patients. 

Created on 2017-01-20

Patient Preference and Adherence

This international, peer reviewed Open Access journal by Dove Medical Press focuses on the growing importance of patient preference and adherence throughout the therapeutic continuum. 

Created on 2017-01-20

Therapeutics and Clinical Risk Management

This international, peer-reviewed Open Access journal by Dove Medical Press focuses on reporting of clinical studies in all therapeutic areas, outcomes, and safety for the effective, safe, and sustained use of medicines.

Created on 2017-01-20

Collection Information