Special Series: Research for Policy Decision Making

Research for All special series.

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Collection details

Research for Policy Decision Making

Research for All special series.


Research for All publishing studies of how knowledge is shared between decision-makers, researchers and grass roots communities. These are studies of how policy is influenced by research, and how research is influenced by policy to create demand-led research. Our authors in this area come largely from the global south to take advantage of our open access policy that allows authors and readers to engage with the journal with paying charges either from research teams or from libraries. These papers will be of particular interest to policy makers and researchers who are attending Evidence 2022 in Pretoria, South Africa in September 2022.

Publication date: 2017 to the present


Article list


Turning “evidence for development” on its head: A view from Africa

Author: Ruth Stweart
Published: 16 February 2021


Terminology and tensions within evidence-informed decision-making in South Africa over a 15-year period

Authors: Ruth Stewart, Harsha Dayal and Laurenz Langer
Published: 15 July 2017


Complexities of linking researchers with policymakers in Africa

Authors: Ismail Barugahara and Tomas Harber
Published: 15 July 2017


Lessons from coordinating a knowledge-exchange network for connecting research, policy and practice

Authors: Tanya Wilkins and Ian Cooper
Published: 12 April 2019


Water governance in two urban African contexts: agency and action through participatory video

Authors: Crystal Tremblay and Leila M. Harris
Published: 01 February 2022


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