Chinese Journal of Natural Medicines

The Chinese Journal of Natural Medicines (CJNM) is devoted to communications among pharmaceutical and medicinal plant scientists who are interested in the advancement of the botanical, chemical, and biological sciences in support of the use of natural medicines in health care, in particular, traditional Chinese medicines (TCM). CJNM aims to cover a broad spectrum of original research papers and review articles on natural medicines or their products from all over the world, including those from TCM.

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Collection details

Chinese Journal of Natural Medicines




Chinese Journal of Natural Medicines (CJNM, ISSN 2095-6975, original ISSN 1672-3651) was founded in May 2003 and is sponsored by China Pharmaceutical University and Chinese Pharmaceutical Association. The printed version of CJNM is published monthly by Science Press and its web edition is published by Elsevier. CJNM is devoted to communications among pharmaceutical and medicinal plant scientists who are interested in the advancement of the botanical, chemical, and biological sciences related to natural medicines, including traditional Chinese medicines (TCM). CJNM aims to cover a broad spectrum of original research papers and timely review articles in natural medicines and their products from all over the world. All the articles of CJNM are published in English only. The journal is currently indexed by SCIE, MEDLINE, BIOSIS Previews, BIOSIS Toxicology, CAB Abstracts, EMBASE, EMBASE Alert, Global Health, IPA, IPA Toxicology, SCOPUS, SciFinder Scholar, ScienceDirect, Biological Abstracts, Chemical Abstracts, Elsevier Bibliographic Databases, Excerpta Medica, and Index Copernicus. CJNM is also indexed by Chinese Science Citation Database (CSCD).




  • Resources, biodiversity, conservation, sustainability, and quality control of natural medicines and natural products
  • Modernization of natural medicines
  • Natural product chemistry (including structure determination and modification, semi- and total synthesis, and bio-transformation)
  • Biological, pharmacological, and clinical evaluation of natural products and traditional medicine prescriptions (including pharmacokinetics, pharmacodynamics, efficacy, and toxicology)
  • Pharmaceutics and analytical chemistry of natural medicines and natural products
  • Proteomic, genetic, genomic, and metabolomic studies of natural medicines and natural products
  • Botanical, chemical, and biological techniques and methodologies for the research and development (R & D) of natural medicines and natural products
  • National and international regulations concerning traditional medicines and botanical drug products

Types of Articles


  • Original research papers
  • Review articles (mini review and comprehensive review)
  • Perspectives (commentary and letter to editor)
  • Short communications (original research)
  • Editorials



Editorial Introduction


Editor in Chief

Han-Dong SUN, Kunming Institute of Botany, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China

Xiao-Ming WU, China Pharmaceutical University, China


Associate Editor in Chief

Ling-Yi KONG, China Pharmaceutical University, China

De-An GUO, Shanghai Institute of Materia Medica, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China

Geoffrey CORDELL, University of Illinois, USA

Chun-Fu WU, Shenyang Pharmaceutical University, China

Bao-Quan ZHU, Shanghai Institute of Pharmaceutical Industry, China

Rudolf BAUER, University of Graz, Austria



Xiao-Nan ZHENG, China Pharmaceutical University, China



For a list of all Editorial Board Members, please follow this link



Collection Information