Hogrefe Medicine

The collection includes a range of highly-regarded peer-reviewed journals covering many areas of medicine
Die Kollektion mit renommierten, peer-reviewed Zeitschriften zu vielen Themenbereichen der Medizin

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This Hogrefe Medicine collection is a diverse portfolio of highly-regarded, mostly peer-reviewed journals in German and English language published by the Hogrefe Publishing Group in the fields of medicine. The journals are of interest to academics and clinicians in research centers, hospitals, and medical practices across the globe.

Die Hogrefe Medizin Kollektion beinhaltet renommierte und mehrheitlich von Experten begutachtete Zeitschriften der Hogrefe Verlagsgruppe in deutscher und englischer Sprache aus den Themenbereichen der Medizin. Die Zeitschriften sind für Wissenschaftler und Kliniker in Forschungszentren, Krankenhäusern und Praxen weltweit von Bedeutung.

  • Crisis – The Journal of Crisis Intervention and Suicide Prevention: an international periodical that publishes original articles on suicidology and crisis intervention. This journal also publishes potentially life-saving information for all those involved in crisis intervention and suicide prevention, making it important reading for clinicians, counselors, hotlines, and crisis intervention centers.
  • GeroPsych – The Journal of Gerontopsychology and Geriatric Psychiatry: a leading international journal that provides an interdisciplinary forum for the rapidly growing field of aging research. GeroPsych publishes original research that addresses biological, psychological, behavioral, social, and cultural aspects of the aging process and seeks articles that combine theoretical, experimental, and applied perspectives on the diversity, heterogeneity, variability, and plasticity of the aging process and older populations.
  • International Journal for Vitamin and Nutrition Research: an international forum for scientific advances in the study of nutrition and vitamins since 1930. This journal is of particular interest to nutritionists, vitaminologists, biochemists, physicians, engineers of human and animal nutrition, and food scientists.  
  • Praxis – Schweizerische Rundschau für Medizin / Revue suisse de la médecine: an advanced education journal for physicians with a practical orientation – from university training to having their own practice.
  • SUCHT – Interdisciplinary Journal of Addiction Research: a journal founded in 1891 and one of the two oldest journals of addiction research. This journal has an international focus on the presentation of high-quality and innovative scientific and clinical communications in German and English. Special features are the interest in and promotion of interdisciplinary work from the field of addiction research, the promotion of dialogue between specialist disciplines and between research and practice and / or politics.
  • Therapeutische Umschau: a monthly interdisciplinary journal on selected topics from practical medicine written by renowned experts.
  • Vasa – European Journal of Vascular Medicine: a journal in vascular medicine that combines basic science with clinical medicine, making it relevant to all physicians in this field.

  • Zeitschrift für Kinder- und Jugendpsychiatrie und Psychotherapie: a journal for child and adolescent psychiatry and psychotherapy that addresses the scientific challenges and clinical tasks of the field by representing knowledge transfer, growth, and generation in German-speaking countries.

  • Zeitschrift für Psychiatrie, Psychologie und Psychotherapie: a thematic journal whose focus is the scientific examination of mental disorders as well as psychotherapeutic intervention procedures and the methods of their development and evaluation.

The platform for periodicals of the Hogrefe Publishing Group /
Die Zeitschriftenplattform der Hogrefe Verlagsgruppe: 
Hogrefe eContent 

Weitere Informationen zu den Zeitschriften finden Sie auf den Hogrefe Webseiten.
Please find further information about these journals on the Hogrefe websites:



Collection Information