Journal - American Water Works Association

Journal AWWA, published continuously since 1914, is the flagship publication of the American Water Works Association.

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About Journal AWWA


Journal – American Water Works Association, published continuously since 1914, is the flagship publication of the American Water Works Association.

Each month, it serves as a forum for thought leaders in the water and wastewater industry. Readers benefit from its peer-reviewed research and technical articles as well as articles featuring best management practices, industry news, and the most current information on regulations affecting the water industry in the United States.

Journal AWWA readers represent executive, management, engineering, operations, and research disciplines in water and wastewater utilities, consulting firms, government agencies, academia, and manufacturers.






Kenneth Mercer, PhD, editor-in-chief for Journal AWWA, is an engineer and researcher with twenty years of experience designing, managing, and leading projects and programs on various technical, managerial, and financial aspects of the water industry. 



Editorial Board


Journal AWWA practices a form of peer review called single-blind review in which reviewers remain anonymous. The integrity of its peer-review process depends on the Journal Editorial Board and the peer reviewers.

The Journal Editorial Board (JEB) is made up of recognized experts in a range of fields who ensure the timely, unbiased and professional peer review of articles submitted to Journal AWWA for consideration. These technical editors recruit and monitor peer reviewers within their specialty and provide recommendations to the editor-in-chief based on the peer reviews.




Subscription to Journal - American Water Works Association is one of the top benefits of AWWA membership.

As a member benefit, the journal is distributed in print and electronic formats. Members also have access to online digital editions and the online compendium of Journal AWWA articles from 1960 to the present. Nonmembers may also purchase individual Journal articles through the AWWA Store. As of January 2015, peer-reviewed content is Open Access, and is freely accessible online.


How to Submit


Download PDF for complete journal submission guidelines.

Journal AWWA publishes peer-reviewed articles, nonpeer-reviewed articles, committee reports and news items. The submission guidelines vary according to the type of article:

Peer-review Submissions
Nonpeer-review Submissions
Column Submissions
Committee & TEC Project Reports

Journal AWWA publishes accepted manuscripts as soon as possible. One-page summaries of peer-review articles are published in print, with the full text published online. Accepted but unedited peer-review articles are posted online ahead of print and replaced with the edited version at the time of print publication. If a manuscript is not scheduled for publication by the end of the one-year period following acknowledgment of receipt, authors may request that the manuscript be released to them.




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