To determine whether there is a prognostic value in the percentage normal sperm morphologic features in a human in vitro fertilization (IVF) program, the authors conducted a prospective study in women with bilateral tubal damage. Based on the percentage of morphologically normal spermatozoa, the patients were divided into four groups: group I, normal morphologic features between 0% and 14%; group II, 15% to 30%; group III, 31% to 45%; and group IV, 46% to 60%. One hundred ninety successful laparoscopic cycles were evaluated. In group I, 104 oocytes were obtained, of which 37% fertilized, but no pregnancy resulted; in group II, 81% of 324 oocytes were fertilized, with a pregnancy rate per embryo transfer (ET) of 22%; in group III, 82% of 309 oocytes were fertilized, with a 31% pregnancy rate; and in group IV, 91% of 69 oocytes were fertilized, with a pregnancy rate of 12%. Probability models indicated that there was a clear threshold in normal sperm morphologic features at 14%, with high fertilization and pregnancy rate in the groups with normal sperm morphologic features greater than 14%.