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The Second Part of the Chronicle of Peru
How Tupac Inca Yupanqui marched by the coast valleys, and how all the Yuncas came under his dominion
Publication date:
May 20 2010
Cambridge University Press
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Book Chapter
Publication date:
May 20 2010
: 185-188
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Book chapters
pp. xiii
pp. xv
pp. 1
Fragment of Chapter III
pp. 2
Which treats of what the Indians of this kingdom say touching the state of things before the Incas ware known, and how they had fortresses in the hills, whence they came forth to make war one with another
pp. 5
Touching what these natives say concerning the Ticiviracocha; of the opinion held by some that an Apostle passed through this land, and of the temple there is in Cachan; also what happened there
pp. 11
How certain men and women appeared in Pacarec Tampu, and what they relate touching their proceedings after they came forth from there
pp. 16
How the brothers, being in Tampu-Quiri, beheld him whom they had shut up in the cave by deceit, come forth with wings; and how he told them that he went to found the great city of Cuzco; and how they departed from Tampu-Quiru
pp. 22
How Manco Capac, when he saw that his brothers had been turned into stones, went to a valley where he met some people; and how he founded and built the ancient and very rich city of Cuzco, which was the capital of the whole empire of the Incas
pp. 24
In which notice is given to the reader of the reason that the author, leaving the account of the succession of the kings, prefers to explain the government of the people, their laws, and customs
pp. 26
How the lord, after he had assumed the fringe of sovereignty, was married to his sister the Coya, which is the name of the Queen, and how it was permitted that he should have many women, although among them all the Coya alone was the legitimate and principal wife
pp. 28
How it was the custom among the Incas that they celebrated in their songs, and by making statues of those who were valorous and extended the bounds of the empire, and performed any other deed worthy of memory; while those who were negligent or cowardly received little notice
pp. 32
How they had chroniclers to record their deeds, and of the Quipos, what they were, and what we see of them
pp. 36
How the lords of Peru were beloved on the one hand, and feared on the other, by all their subjects; and how no one, even a great lord of very ancient lineage, could come into the presence, except with a burden, in token of great obedience
pp. 39
How the riches possessed by the king were very great, and how the sons of the lord were ordered always to be in attendance at court
pp. 42
How they built the edifices for the lords, and the royal road along which to travel over the kingdom
pp. 45
How and in what manner they made the royal hunts for the lords of Peru
pp. 47
Which treats of the order maintained by the Incas, and how in many parts they made the waste places fertile, by the arrangements they made for that purpose
pp. 51
Which treats of the order they adopted in the payments of tribute by the provinces to the kings, and of the system by which the tribute was regulated
pp. 57
How the kings of Cuzco ordered that every year an account should be taken of all persons who died and were born throughout their dominions; also how all men worked, and how none could be poor by reason of the storehouses
pp. 59
How governors were appointed to the provinces; and of the manner in which the kings visited their dominions, and how they bore, for their arms, certain waving serpents with sticks
pp. 64
How the Posts of the Kingdom were arranged
pp. 67
How the Mitimaes were established, and of the different kinds of them, and how they were highly esteemed by the Incas
pp. 72
Of the great preparations that were made when the lords set out from Cuzco on warlike expeditions; and how robbers were punished
pp. 75
How the Incas ordered the people to form settled towns, dividing the lands concerning which there was any dispute, and how it was ordered that all should speak the language of Cuzco
pp. 78
How the Incas were free from the abominable sin, and from other evil customs which have been seen to prevail in the world among other princes
pp. 81
How the Incas employed councillors and executors of justice, and of their method of reckoning time
pp. 83
Which treats of the riches of the temple of Curicancha, and of the veneration in which the Incas held it
pp. 87
Which treats of the other principal temples, and of their names
pp. 91
How the Capacocha was made, and to what extent it was practised by the Incas; by which is to be understood the gifts and offerings that were made to idols
pp. 94
How they made great festivities and sacrifices at the grand and solemn feast called Hatun Raymi
pp. 99
Of the second king or Inca who reigned in Cuzco, named Sinchi Roca
pp. 102
Of the third king who reigned in Cuzco, named Lloque Yupanqui
pp. 105
Of the fourth king who reigned at Cuzco, named Mayta Capac, and of what happened during his reign
pp. 107
Of the fifth king who reigned at Cuzco, named Capac Yupanqui
pp. 111
Of the sixth king who reigned in Cuzco, and of what happened in his time; and of the fable or history they relate touching the river that passes through the midst of the city of Cuzco
pp. 115
Of the seventh king or Inca who reigned in Cuzco, named Inca Yupanqui
pp. 117
How, when this Inca wanted to make war in the province of Collao, a certain disturbance arose in Cuzco; and how the Chancas conquered the Quichuas, and got possession of their dominions
pp. 120
How the Orejones considered who should be Inca, and what passed until Viracocha Inca assumed the fringe, who was the eighth Inca that reigned
pp. 124
How Viracocha Inca threw a stone of fire with a sling at Caitomarca, and how they made reverence
pp. 127
How a tyrant rose up in Cuzco, and of the disturbance he caused. Of the chastisement of certain Mamaconas for having, contrary to their religion, used their bodies uncleanly; and how Viracocha returned to Cuzco
pp. 130
How ambassadors from the tyrants of Collao came to Cuzco, and of the departure of Viracocha Inca for the Collao
pp. 133
How Viracocha Inca passed by the province of the Canches and Canas, and marched until he entered the territory of the Collao, and of what happened between Cari and Zapana
pp. 136
How Cari returned to Chucuito; of the arrival of the Inca Viracocha; and of the peace that was agreed to between them
pp. 138
How Inca Urco was received as supreme ruler of the whole empire, and assumed the crown at Cuzco, and how the Ghancas determined to came forth and make war on those of Cuzco
pp. 141
How the Chancas arrived at the city of Cuzro and pitched their camp there, and of the terror of the inhabitants, and the great valour of Inca Yupanqui
pp. 144
How Inca Yupanqui was received as King, the name of Inca being taken from Inca Urco, and how the new Sovereign made a peace with Hastu Huaraca
pp. 147
How Inca Yupanqui set out from Cuzco, leaving Lloque Yupanqiti as Governor, and of what happened
pp. 150
How the Inca returned to Vilcas, and besieged the rocky fastness where the enemy had taken refuge
pp. 153
How Inca Yupanqui ordered Lloque Yupanqui to proceed to the Valley of Xauxa, and to bring under his dominion the Huancas and the Yauyos their neighbours, with other Nations in that direction
pp. 156
How the Captains of the Inca left Xauxa, and what happened; and how Ancoallo departed from among them
pp. 160
How the Royal House of the Sun was founded on a hill overlooking Cuzco towards the north, which the Spaniards usually call the fortress; and its wonderful construction, and the size of the stones that are to be seen there
pp. 165
How Inca Yupanqui set out from Cuzco and marched to the Collao, and of what happened there
pp. 168
How Inca Yupanqui set out from Cuzco, and what he did
pp. 171
How the Inca Yupanqui, having grown very old, resigned the government of the kingdom to Tupac Inca, his son
pp. 174
How the Collas asked for peace, and how the Inca granted it and returned to Cuzco
pp. 177
How Tupac Inca Yupanqui set out from Cuzco, and how he conquered all the country from thence to Quito; and touching his great deeds
pp. 182
How the Inca sent from Quito to know whether his commands had been obeyed, and how, leaving that province in good order, he set out to go to the valleys of the Yuncas
pp. 185
How Tupac Inca Yupanqui marched by the coast valleys, and how all the Yuncas came under his dominion
pp. 189
How Tupac Inca again set out from Cuzco, and of the fierce war he waged with those of Huarco; and how, after he had conquered them, he returned to Cuzco
pp. 194
How Tupac Inca once more set out from Cuzco, and how he went to the Collao, and from thence to Chile, subjugating the nations in that direction, and of his death
pp. 197
How Huayna Capac reigned in Ouzco, who was the twelfth King Inca
pp. 199
How Huayna Capac departed from Cuzco, and what he did
pp. 204
How Huayna Capac again ordered that an army should be assembled, and how he set out for Quito
pp. 208
How Huayna Capac entered the country of the Bracamoros, and returned flying, and of the other events that happened until he arrived at Quito
pp. 211
How Huayna Capac marched through the coast valleys, and what he did
pp. 214
How, when Huayna Capac was about to march from Quito, he sent forward certain of his captains, who returned flying before the enemy, and what he did in consequence
pp. 217
How Huayna Capac assembled all his power, gave battle to his enemies, and defeated them; and of the great cruelty with which he treated them
pp. 220
How the King Huayna Capac returned to Quito; and how he knew of the arrival of the Spaniards on the coast; and of his death
pp. 224
Of the lineage and character of Huascar and Atahualpa
pp. 226
How Huascar was acknowledged as king in Cuzco, after the death of his father
pp. 229
How the differences between Huascar and Atahualpa began, and how great battles were fought between them
pp. 231
How Atahualpa set out from Quito with his army and captains, and how he gave battle to Atoc in the villages of Ambato
pp. 233
How Huascar sent new captains and troops against his enemy; and how Atahualpa arrived at Tumebamba, where he perpetrated great cruelties; also what happened between him and the captains of Huascar
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