UCL Open Environment is a unique, fully non-commercial, Open Science journal, dedicated to publishing for the benefit of humanity, across all environment-related subjects. This is the home to broad thinking, inter and multi-disciplinary research across all aspects of environment-related subjects.

Transforming the sharing of new knowledge, openly and without barriers.

Operating dually as an open access e-journal and as a preprint server offering post-publication open peer review; our fully non-commercial publishing process is accessible, transparent, accountable and fast. UCL Open Environment is committed to using its position, unique strengths and principles to develop and disseminate original knowledge, not only for its own inherent value, but also to address the significant challenges facing the world today and those that will arise in the future.

Drawing on these founding values, UCL Open Environment stimulates disruptive thinking across the research landscape to showcase radical and critical thinking applied to real world problems that benefit humanity. We believe that the future of scientific and scholarly pursuit is best served by an open science agenda and fully open access publishing because knowledge should be accessible to all, regardless of location or financial means. To find innovative solutions we need to cross convention between disciplines, and many different kinds of communities in the academic, business and social spheres. We invite engagement, reviews and contributions from the global academic community, policy makers, community stakeholders, practitioners, the public; as only by engagement from all will we advance the greatest leaps and discoveries. Learn more about our aims and scope and sign up to our Publishing Alerts to keep abreast of our calls for papers and new article releases.

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